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MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST 200309523 <br />Loan No: 778381 (Continued) Page 2 <br />INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF / V L W a a "\ ) <br />% / / ) SS <br />COUNTY OF r[ 1 a-- t l ) <br />On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared CHAD W VIETH and TIFFANY K VIETH, HUSBAND AND WIFE, to <br />me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the Modification of Deed of Trust, and acknowledged that they signed the <br />Modification as their free and voluntary act and deed, forte uses and purposes therei7 mentioned. <br />Given under my hand and official seal this % day of 20 �• <br />GENERAL NOTARY - 5tete of NB11t;1SK! <br />KEVIN R. WERNER <br />My Cornrn. Up. July 4, 2005 <br />STATE OF /V -C [)ja-Ak6 - <br />By ft y--, rr �✓. 0 1�� <br />Notary Public in and for the State of <br />Residing at <br />My commission expires <br />LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />)SS <br />COUNTY OF �– J a, L (— ) <br />On this day of 20 U3 , before me, he undersigned Notary lPu lic, personally <br />appeared and known to me to be the ULU P,- n <br />authorized ag'en't for the Lender that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary <br />act and deed of the said Lender, duly authorized by the Lender through its board of directors or otherwise, for the uses and purposes therein <br />mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she is authorized to execute this said instrument and that the seajaffixed is the corporate seal of said <br />Lender. <br />By l <br />fl GENERAL NOTARY-State of Nebraska Notary Public in and for the Statetof <br />JONI L. GALLAWAY <br />My Comm. Exp. Nov. 27, 2003 <br />Residing at <br />My commission expires <br />LASER PRO Lending, Ver. Copr. Harland F,--1 Sol--, Inc. 1997, 2003. All Rlghls Reserved. - NE C:1CFlNEW %CFIILPL1G202 FC TR -8923 PR -15 <br />