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Whereas, Donald L. Stringham And Tina J Stringham, Husband And Wife, was /were the original <br />Trustor(s), FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO., was the original Trustee, and PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL <br />MORTGAGE, INC., A NEVADA CORPORATION, was the original Beneficiary under that certain Deed of <br />Trust dated May 6, 2002 and recorded on June 7, 2002, in Instr. # Document 0200206115 of the Official <br />Records of Hall County, State of Nebraska, and: <br />Whereas, the undersigned Beneficiary desires to substitute a new Trustee under said Deed of Trust in <br />place and stead of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO., now therefore, the undersigned hereby substitutes <br />THEMSELVES as Trustee under said Deed of Trust and do hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or <br />persons legally entitled thereto, the Estate now held by them thereunder. <br />Property Address: 3014 ROSELAWN DR GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 -0000. <br />Legal Description: LOT 18, MEADOWS LANE THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />WE CERTIFY that a copy of the substitution has, by regular United States mail, with postage prepaid, been <br />mailed to the last known address of the trustee being replaced. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, has caused these <br />presents to be executed in its corporate name and seal by its authorized officers on the date July, 7, 2003. <br />CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION <br />p�Mpar�A <br />T l� O <br />Z SEAL <br />1920 O <br />' ERStia. yea <br />By:l -,( ,tom <br />Nicole Moore <br />Vice President <br />State of Louisiana <br />Parish /County of Ouachita <br />On July, 7, 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in an for said State, personally appeared Nicole <br />Moore personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as Vice President, on <br />behalf of CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, the corporation therein named, and <br />acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution <br />of its Board of Directors. <br />3 <br />Debra Wrinkle <br />Notary Public <br />Lifetime Commission <br />NE10.doc 07/07/03 <br />M <br />DM <br />c <br />Z <br />M CA <br />n = <br />fT1 <br />�� <br />rn <br />CA <br />• <br />Ret. Env. <br />_ <br />� - <br />�= <br />C) <br />J <br />Loan No. 000000001519150678 <br />N <br />_ <br />�n <br />When Recorded mail to: <br />�' '� <br />ri `; <br />T ' <br />T} C l <br />Prepared by: Arlethia L Reed <br />o fl <br />=D <br />�r- D <br />Cq <br />Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation <br />Cf) <br />780 Kansas Lane Suite A <br />O <br />P.O. Box 4025 <br />r <br />.. <br />Monroe, LA 71203 <br />per-+ <br />200309348 <br />Cn <br />0 <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE and DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />Whereas, Donald L. Stringham And Tina J Stringham, Husband And Wife, was /were the original <br />Trustor(s), FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO., was the original Trustee, and PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL <br />MORTGAGE, INC., A NEVADA CORPORATION, was the original Beneficiary under that certain Deed of <br />Trust dated May 6, 2002 and recorded on June 7, 2002, in Instr. # Document 0200206115 of the Official <br />Records of Hall County, State of Nebraska, and: <br />Whereas, the undersigned Beneficiary desires to substitute a new Trustee under said Deed of Trust in <br />place and stead of FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO., now therefore, the undersigned hereby substitutes <br />THEMSELVES as Trustee under said Deed of Trust and do hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or <br />persons legally entitled thereto, the Estate now held by them thereunder. <br />Property Address: 3014 ROSELAWN DR GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 -0000. <br />Legal Description: LOT 18, MEADOWS LANE THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />WE CERTIFY that a copy of the substitution has, by regular United States mail, with postage prepaid, been <br />mailed to the last known address of the trustee being replaced. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, has caused these <br />presents to be executed in its corporate name and seal by its authorized officers on the date July, 7, 2003. <br />CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION <br />p�Mpar�A <br />T l� O <br />Z SEAL <br />1920 O <br />' ERStia. yea <br />By:l -,( ,tom <br />Nicole Moore <br />Vice President <br />State of Louisiana <br />Parish /County of Ouachita <br />On July, 7, 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in an for said State, personally appeared Nicole <br />Moore personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as Vice President, on <br />behalf of CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, the corporation therein named, and <br />acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution <br />of its Board of Directors. <br />3 <br />Debra Wrinkle <br />Notary Public <br />Lifetime Commission <br />NE10.doc 07/07/03 <br />