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January 29, 2002, and filed in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall County, on February 7, 2002, as <br />Document No. 200201480 of that County, covering, the following described property: <br />LOT SIX (6), WESTROADS ESTATES THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />B. LENDER is about to loan the sum of Eighty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents <br />($85,000.00) on a Note and Deed of Trust securing such Note to be filed against the above described <br />property. <br />C. To induce LENDER to make such loan, it is necessary that the Deed of Trust held by <br />HOME FEDERAL, described in Section A above, be subordinated to the lien of the Deed of Trust <br />about to be made in favor of the LENDER as beneficiary as set forth above as it applies to the above <br />described property only. <br />For the reasons set forth above, and consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the <br />parties hereto, HOME FEDERAL and LENDER covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Subordination. HOME FEDERAL, hereby covenants, consents and agrees with <br />LENDER that the above - mentioned Deed of Trust is and shall continue to be <br />subject to and subordinate in lien to the lien of the Deed of Trust about to be made <br />to LENDER stated above. <br />2. Consideration. In consideration of HOME FEDERAL so subordinating the Deed <br />of Trust held by it to the Deed of Trust made to LENDER, LENDER shall make <br />the above described loan to Darien L. Cox and Karen M. Cox, Husband and Wife, <br />secured by a Deed of Trust identified as document Number. Z03 — 0930S <br />filed on w�l a 1, d60,I) , in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />P`+J <br />AA <br />T t c <br />N <br />m <br />YI <br />;K 2 r* r' -� n cn <br />O <br />C <br />3 r <br />W A <br />C.� <br />(n <br />U1 <br />S <br />c::) <br />CD <br />2 <br />CD <br />AGREEMENT SUBORDINATING A DEED OF TRUST <br />z <br />J I <br />This Agreement is made this 3RD day of _ JULY , 2003, by and between <br />C <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, Beneficiary, <br />herein referred to as HOME FEDERAL, and Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island, which <br />has a principal place of business in Hall County, Nebraska, herein referred to as LENDER. <br />The parties recite and declare that: <br />A. HOME FEDERAL is the owner and holder of a certain Deed of Trust dated <br />January 29, 2002, and filed in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall County, on February 7, 2002, as <br />Document No. 200201480 of that County, covering, the following described property: <br />LOT SIX (6), WESTROADS ESTATES THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />B. LENDER is about to loan the sum of Eighty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents <br />($85,000.00) on a Note and Deed of Trust securing such Note to be filed against the above described <br />property. <br />C. To induce LENDER to make such loan, it is necessary that the Deed of Trust held by <br />HOME FEDERAL, described in Section A above, be subordinated to the lien of the Deed of Trust <br />about to be made in favor of the LENDER as beneficiary as set forth above as it applies to the above <br />described property only. <br />For the reasons set forth above, and consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the <br />parties hereto, HOME FEDERAL and LENDER covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Subordination. HOME FEDERAL, hereby covenants, consents and agrees with <br />LENDER that the above - mentioned Deed of Trust is and shall continue to be <br />subject to and subordinate in lien to the lien of the Deed of Trust about to be made <br />to LENDER stated above. <br />2. Consideration. In consideration of HOME FEDERAL so subordinating the Deed <br />of Trust held by it to the Deed of Trust made to LENDER, LENDER shall make <br />the above described loan to Darien L. Cox and Karen M. Cox, Husband and Wife, <br />secured by a Deed of Trust identified as document Number. Z03 — 0930S <br />filed on w�l a 1, d60,I) , in the Register of Deeds Office of Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />