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i -J <br />> �_ <br />rTj <br />T M CA \l1 c D <br />Z Ci = �� n <br />(V <br />O <br />(D <br />-s <br />C:3 <br />TL <br />CA <br />CD <br />co <br />Co <br />© <br />v <br />_c <br />NQ W <br />to <br />w <br />CD <br />5� <br />Z <br />200308883 <br />O <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />U <br />S <br />DUANE A. BURNS, a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association, <br />P.O. Box 2300, Grand Islar_d, Nebraska 68802, is hereby appointed successor trustee under the <br />trust deed executed by JERRY D ATKINS AND ANN S ATKINS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as <br />Trustor(s), in which EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, is named Beneficiary and <br />EARL D. AHLSCHWEDE, as Trustee, and filed for record on AUGUST 26.2002, and recorded as <br />Document No. 200208932, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of HALL County, Nebraska, <br />regarding the following described real estate: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Mainland, in Section One (1), Township <br />Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot Three (3) (also being the north <br />line of the Northwest Quarter (NWl /4) of said Section One (1), said point being One Thousand Seventy <br />Three and Sixty Three Hundredths (1,073.63) feet east of the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter <br />(NWl /4); thence N 90 °00'00" E (assumed bearing), along and upon the north lines of said Lots Three <br />(3) and Two (2); and also being along and upon the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl /4), a <br />,distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five and Twenty Four Hundredths (156524) feet to the <br />northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter, thence continuing N 00°00100" E, along and upon the north <br />line of said Lot Two (2), and also being along and upon the north line of the Northeast Quarter (NEl /4), <br />a distance of One Hundred Fifty Five and Four Hundredths (155.04) feet to a meander corner, thence <br />S 56 °55156" W, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety One and Eight Hundredths (491.08) feet to a point <br />on the present day north high bank of the north channel of the Platte River, thence S 69°29148" W, along <br />and upon said present day north high bank, a distance of Three Hundred' Thirteen and Sixty Five <br />Hundredths (313.65) feet; thence S 55 °05122" W, along and upon said present day north high bank, a <br />distance of Four Hundred Thirty Five and Five Hunredths (435.05) feet; thence S 55 °03117" W, along and <br />upon said present day north high bank, a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Eight and Twenty Three <br />Hundredths (438.23) feet; thence S 77 °41113" W, along and upon said present day north high bank, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Six and Four Hundredths (306.04) feet; thence N 00°00100" E, a distance of <br />Nei HHundred Forty Three and Six Hundredths (943.06) feet to the point of beginning. <br />av,ngs Ba, <br />P�a`••�P0 �� x <br />•OQ' �9 c <br />. U m <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, <br />Beneficiary <br />By el-i 'Ze"A�l <br />Rick L. Harbaugh <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20TU day of <br />JUNE , 2003, by Rick L. Harbaugh, President/CEO of Equitable Federal Savings <br />Bank, by me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument <br />in said capacity and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the <br />voluntary act and deed of said association. <br />GUM NOTARY- SW of Ne MM Notary Public <br />SL.EEN 8. TESMER <br />Whl Come. 84. Dec. t, 2006 <br />