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200308881 ADDITIONAL TERMS PAGE OF <br />PREPAVMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even though I do Slit have to pay, more than the regular scheduled monthly payment, I have <br />the right to prepay the whole an oust owing to you in full at any time or in part fr i little to date. If I make a panlal prepayment, I must wntume to make my <br />regular payments until I have paid all amounts owed I know that the France charge will be computed dally, so it willbe less if I make an early payment and higher <br />if 1 pay late. The amounts shown on page 2 for the Finance Charge Total of Payments And the Total Sale ('rice arc based on the assumption that you will receive <br />each of the payments exactly on its due date. 1 know that there will be no refund of Finance Charges if I prepay, because the Finance Charge is calculated on a <br />simple interest hasis. I also understand that no refund of an amount less than $1,00 will to made, and that I'may be charged a minimum Finance Charge of $10.00. <br />RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: I will be charged $15.00 for any cheek I give you which is resumed unpaid by the bank or other Fancial institution <br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODS: I know that you have measured my house and it, openings so that you con make the Products to fit my pa@cular house and that the <br />,writs probably will not fit any other houses, so I know that 1 cannot cancel this Contract at any time after lire penal of time given m mb.hy law in which to cancel. <br />After that legal period of lime, I know that I have the obligation to pay you in full the amount owed. <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE, CI IA RGE:'I he finance charge is estimated to start within 30 days of me dyne of this Contract, exge7pt in the event that <br />you cuuplete the installation of the goods and services on another date, then the finance charge will begin m run on We data that I sign the 0— VIerem Certificate <br />The amount of finance charge may he more car It,, than lire amount disclosed depending on the amounts 1 pay you and my timeliness in making paymenm. <br />DEFAULT: 1 will bo in default under this Contract if I.1 don't make a payment when due. or 2I break any promise I made to you in this Contract. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If I am in default under this Contract, and you hire mn attorney who is not one of your regular initiated employees to assist you in collecting, <br />the amount I owe, 1 agree to pay you for your reasonable attorney's fees as well as any other related expenses such as court vests, title searches and amounts you <br />expend to protect your security, if you are allowed to collect such amounts by law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install tic Products I am purchasing oil my house, but 1 also understand that in some situations y may <br />encounter delays that are caused by stakes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I will not <br />hold you liable for such 1,1sys_ <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT, lI I amt in default under this Contain. you can declare all that I than owe you tinder this Contract payable at once. I agree to <br />pay you interest on that amount at the Annual Percentage Rate shown on page 2 until the mnount I awe you is paid. <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the windows, woodwork, siding, brick and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installation have NO salvage <br />valve When yon remove them, you may dispose of then. <br />SPECIAL SI rUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of same of the Products that you sall.I understand that in special situations your Regional Office may have to review <br />and approve this Ct moot I also understand that this sale occurred in [tiy ]tome and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this <br />transaction at our fr,amps; I give you my consent to coned any obvious er'a's that may have occurred when me blanks in this Contract were completed <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: It any pmw..mar o1 this Contract vidstas the law and is ueci fireca ble, the test of the Contract will he valid. It any pan of this Contract <br />"mines payment of more unease vlimge than the law permits, then you will only have the right to collect from me the amount of finance charge wine[] the law <br />allows you to collect. <br />NOTICE <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: Iii have requested in,uunce in this purchase, 1 may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) days troth <br />the date of this Contract by codifying you or the holder of this Contract in writing I know that the cancellation of my coverage will he arranged with the insurance <br />rrier(s) and o full refund of my pre inumts) together with applicable fieanec charge will be credited to this Contrac( . <br />PLEASE EASE NOTE If I ties, eqn e. tad insurance in Nis purchase, 1 will receive with o thirty 130) day, a certificate of insurance mo e fully describing the insurance <br />c g . I I know that t there y conflict In the coverage the language of the certificate of insurance and the following Notice f Proposed Insurance that I <br />my m the <br />extent stated in the f(rho,ing Notice t Propased Insurance. I also know than I have insurance croverage Only if I have been charged for it. <br />In the following Notice of Proposed I'nu'u ice the words yon and your refers to the Buyer /homed n d the ward we refers to the Insurance Provider. <br />Credit life andfor credit accident and health insurance will be applicable to this holot ment Sales Contract, only if you have chosen insurance by signing the <br />request 11 we, Central States Health & Life Co of Omaha (CSO) ag ee to lasure y t policy or certificate which more fully descimes tire benefit %;rod <br />I unitancou, is i II be sent to you within 30 days. If we don't inure you you will be sent a refund or credit on your auount of your premium. <br />suhjecr to ptance by (,SO, II nce will become affectioc as of today and will continue only for the number of months equal to the number of <br />tenthly payments You understand that this e may nor provide u cog f you, 'I_t few pymer I that during that period Of hire, you will not <br />lecaany "gi - Thelo ace coverage provided may tornain a maxinana ationart of,creem, which will not pay or ona, cases tire mire amount <br />rout you o, This insurance may not last the full lan,doof,scialcon,amulay it be enough to completely payoff your h an. The amount and type of usin <br />u you h plied tin is shown on your Installment Sales Contract Th following exclusions and limitations ap ly. <br />EBgibilit, R y reme L: TO be eligible for the c ocam,a. Y cuo ,,c con t be mma, than 65 years as of today. to be liK bl for d'sabdnv coverage you must <br />he working at lcast 30 hours a week as of today. Only the pum n burrower Is double for disability cootauga, Life Coverage: The amount of life insurance is <br />shown on your Installment Sale' Contract, O ly one death benefit is payable if you applied f c ju n life covetage . Life Exclusions: We won t pay any claim <br />if you commit suicide a pt to commit voicide, while sane or insane within 12 nation, of when the %uran ffective. but we will refund the life <br />insurance premium. This also appliox to your co borrower it you applied f ,joint life erage, Disability Coverage: Benefits arc payable chat you have been <br />totally disabled fu' 14 days <r ounce Benefit,, are then paid retroactive from the fast day of disability. Disability Exclusions: We won'( pay a claim if your <br />disability is a result of a) normal pregnancy or childbirth: to an intentionally self-inflicted injury: or c) alcoholism or drug addiction, d) nervous or mental <br />dismdm; or e) a pre - existing condition. <br />nrl#1 ace n"I aal <br />N1 Offered and underwritten by: <br />Central States Health & Life Cc. of Omaha - 96th & Western - 1'. O. Box 34350 - Omaha, NE 681340350 <br />7039 SM -101 Not1 /II VAGE4 <br />