THAT WHEREAS, ell of the Indebtedness secured by the Deed cl Intel executed L r Paul E. Sr, and S
<br />Flo -yre a qEars HII 111,Ild and Wi fP °
<br />In Dank of Doniphan _
<br />beneBl of Bar k of Don' Than - . Tmslee for we
<br />pte
<br />n Ag1AAlmy named Iherain dated 4_ J,0720 _and lemrded 4 -22 -2003 In the oNme el the
<br />Reylsler of Deads of Ha 1 1 Counly, 070010490 ,NdCKdbR
<br />el
<br />Pepe __ _ of the Trust Deed flecordA of said Counly has been paid, sum sold Beneflclmy has Art...led In writing that the
<br />Deed of Reconveysnce be exA -Abaf and dellvered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In eonelderstlen of such peymerll end In Accordance with the regnest of the Beneficlaly named Ihereln, the
<br />underslyned es TNAIAA dues by these presents, grant, remise, release end remnvey Io the person or pemons entitled thereto all the
<br />Interest end estate derived to said Trustee by or Illmugh said DeeI�//II Trust In the following described praperly.
<br />Lot Fifty -Seven (57), Amick Acre�u i VL'S o Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, bnprovements end appurtenances belonginy to such purolses.
<br />DATED Julv 7 2003 an f. Doniphan
<br />Iro ea , Lxecu Tve ice- resident
<br />STATE OF fi
<br />on Ihls - �~da
<br />y of�
<br />slate, pemmlelly appeared
<br />Tmslee, to me (mown to be 1Fe Idenllcsl perso
<br />executed the eeme ee his voiunlaly act end deed
<br />sa.
<br />helore me, I%e underslyned, a Hour, Pubdlc in end
<br />named in And who executed the loreyuing Inelmmenl, Ad ecknowled
<br />2� A
<br />NulerY Public M snE for .a Oslea- le
<br />I
<br />MY pAmtn.By.@L 21, Np5
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<br />DEED OF
<br />KNOW ALL
<br />THAT WHEREAS, ell of the Indebtedness secured by the Deed cl Intel executed L r Paul E. Sr, and S
<br />Flo -yre a qEars HII 111,Ild and Wi fP °
<br />In Dank of Doniphan _
<br />beneBl of Bar k of Don' Than - . Tmslee for we
<br />pte
<br />n Ag1AAlmy named Iherain dated 4_ J,0720 _and lemrded 4 -22 -2003 In the oNme el the
<br />Reylsler of Deads of Ha 1 1 Counly, 070010490 ,NdCKdbR
<br />el
<br />Pepe __ _ of the Trust Deed flecordA of said Counly has been paid, sum sold Beneflclmy has Art...led In writing that the
<br />Deed of Reconveysnce be exA -Abaf and dellvered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In eonelderstlen of such peymerll end In Accordance with the regnest of the Beneficlaly named Ihereln, the
<br />underslyned es TNAIAA dues by these presents, grant, remise, release end remnvey Io the person or pemons entitled thereto all the
<br />Interest end estate derived to said Trustee by or Illmugh said DeeI�//II Trust In the following described praperly.
<br />Lot Fifty -Seven (57), Amick Acre�u i VL'S o Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, bnprovements end appurtenances belonginy to such purolses.
<br />DATED Julv 7 2003 an f. Doniphan
<br />Iro ea , Lxecu Tve ice- resident
<br />STATE OF fi
<br />on Ihls - �~da
<br />y of�
<br />slate, pemmlelly appeared
<br />Tmslee, to me (mown to be 1Fe Idenllcsl perso
<br />executed the eeme ee his voiunlaly act end deed
<br />sa.
<br />helore me, I%e underslyned, a Hour, Pubdlc in end
<br />named in And who executed the loreyuing Inelmmenl, Ad ecknowled
<br />2� A
<br />NulerY Public M snE for .a Oslea- le
<br />I
<br />MY pAmtn.By.@L 21, Np5
<br />