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200308643 <br />nd Subdivision, in <br />Lot Six (6), Block one (1), in Brentwood Seco <br />the City of Grand Island Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a <br />a part of Lot Six (6), Block One (1)• Hall <br />certain tract more particularly described as follows: A tract <br />of land comprising in the City of Grand Island, <br />Brentwood Second <br />Subdivision, ad ep thence <br />County, <br />Nebraska, srticularly described a6 follows: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot Six (6 <br />northerly along and upon the West line of said Lot Six (6), a <br />and upon the Westerly line of <br />Twenty-Two Hundredths (53.22' <br />distance of Fifty -Three and <br />feet; thence Northeasterly ofgTwenty -Eight (28.0') feet; <br />said Lot Six (6) Four and Thirty Three <br />feet to a point on the south line of said <br />thence Southeasterly a distance of NontY -on the South line of <br />Hundredths (94.33') <br />Lot Six (6); thence Westerly along and up <br />said Lot Six (6), a distance of Fifty -Nine (59.0') feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />gprvn,q� <br />SINCE 1887 <br />SEAL <br />