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200308480 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Two (2) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten <br />(10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 114); thence Southerly along and <br />upon the East Line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4), a distance of Five Hundred Eight and Two <br />Hundredths (508.02) feet to the North right -of -way line of the C. B. & Q Railroad; thence Northwesterly <br />along and upon the North line of the C. B. & Q Railroad right -of -way, a distance of One Thousand Eight <br />Hundred Twenty-four and Fifty-five Hundredths (1824.55) feet to the North line of Northwest Quarter <br />(NW 114); thence Easterly along and upon said North line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 114) a <br />distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and One Tenth (1750.10) feet to the place of beginning; <br />containing 1021 acres, more or less, and EXCEPTING THEREFROM, however, that part thereof <br />conveyed to Gerald E. Aschwege and Vivian E. Aschwege, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed, recorded <br />in Book 145 at Page 218 of the Deed of Records of Hall County, Nebraska <br />I <br />s� <br />4: <br />'7 <br />