This Agreement is made this 9th day of May, 2003, by and between U.S. Bank National Association
<br />ND ( "Bank ") and Principal Residential Mortgage ( "Refinancer").
<br />Bank is the beneficiary under a deed of trust (the " Junior Deed of Trust") dated April 4, 2002,
<br />granted by Timothy S Higgins and Dee Ann Higgins, husband and wife ('Borrower "), and recorded in the
<br />office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, on June 5, 2002, as 0200205994, encumbering the
<br />real property described therein (collectively, the "Property"). Refin ncer is the beneficiary under a deed of
<br />trust (the "Senior Deed of Trust") dated /�W.,. , 20 granted by the
<br />Borrower, and recorded in the same office on _J L. .n t t C! 20 a--? , as
<br />encumbering the prgperty. To induce Refinancer to make a
<br />loan to the Borrower secured by the Senior Deed of Trust, Bank has agreed to execute and deliver this
<br />Subordination Agreement.
<br />ACCORDINGLY, in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
<br />and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Bank hereby agrees with Refinancer that the lien of the
<br />Junior Deed of Trust on the Property is and shall be and shall remain fully subordinate for all purposes to the
<br />lien of the Senior Deed of Trust on the Property, to the full extent of all sums from time to time secured by
<br />the Senior Deed of Trust; provided, however, that the total indebtedness secured by the Senior Deed of
<br />Trust does not exceed $146,300.00, exclusive of interest thereon, amounts advanced to protect the lien and
<br />priority of the Senior Deed of Trust, and costs of collection, and provided further, that this agreement shall
<br />not be effective until each other mortgage or other lien recorded against the property (other than the Senior
<br />Mortgage) and each judgment that is a lien against the Property shall be subordinated of record of the lien of
<br />the Senior Mortgage.
<br />Property Address: 4210 Indianhead Dr, Grand Island, NE 688034221
<br />IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Subordination Agreement is executed on the day and year first above stated.
<br />Bank Name U.S. Bank National Association ND
<br />By: Kathleen M. Lokken
<br />Title: Operations Officer
<br />STATE OF _North Dakota )
<br />COUNTY OF Cass )
<br />No Corporate Seal
<br />KIMB -FtLy
<br />D.
<br />public HER
<br />State of North Dakota
<br />M Commission Ex ires 6 - 8-2006
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 9th day of May, 2003, by (name)
<br />Kathleen M. Lokken, the (title) Operations Officer of (bank name) U.S. Bank National Association ND a
<br />national banking association, on behalf of the association.
<br />Nota Public
<br />S Ch
<br />RETURN TO (NLS),
<br />Nations Title Ageqcy, Inc,
<br />5370 W. 95th St.
<br />Shawnee, KS 66207
<br />n
<br />This instrument was drafted by: Lien Perfection, P.O. Box 2687, Fargo ND 58102
<br />n
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<br />Deed Of Trust Subordination Agreement
<br />o
<br />Account No. 3000045242
<br />200308083
<br />Drafted by: tmo
<br />This Agreement is made this 9th day of May, 2003, by and between U.S. Bank National Association
<br />ND ( "Bank ") and Principal Residential Mortgage ( "Refinancer").
<br />Bank is the beneficiary under a deed of trust (the " Junior Deed of Trust") dated April 4, 2002,
<br />granted by Timothy S Higgins and Dee Ann Higgins, husband and wife ('Borrower "), and recorded in the
<br />office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, on June 5, 2002, as 0200205994, encumbering the
<br />real property described therein (collectively, the "Property"). Refin ncer is the beneficiary under a deed of
<br />trust (the "Senior Deed of Trust") dated /�W.,. , 20 granted by the
<br />Borrower, and recorded in the same office on _J L. .n t t C! 20 a--? , as
<br />encumbering the prgperty. To induce Refinancer to make a
<br />loan to the Borrower secured by the Senior Deed of Trust, Bank has agreed to execute and deliver this
<br />Subordination Agreement.
<br />ACCORDINGLY, in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
<br />and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Bank hereby agrees with Refinancer that the lien of the
<br />Junior Deed of Trust on the Property is and shall be and shall remain fully subordinate for all purposes to the
<br />lien of the Senior Deed of Trust on the Property, to the full extent of all sums from time to time secured by
<br />the Senior Deed of Trust; provided, however, that the total indebtedness secured by the Senior Deed of
<br />Trust does not exceed $146,300.00, exclusive of interest thereon, amounts advanced to protect the lien and
<br />priority of the Senior Deed of Trust, and costs of collection, and provided further, that this agreement shall
<br />not be effective until each other mortgage or other lien recorded against the property (other than the Senior
<br />Mortgage) and each judgment that is a lien against the Property shall be subordinated of record of the lien of
<br />the Senior Mortgage.
<br />Property Address: 4210 Indianhead Dr, Grand Island, NE 688034221
<br />IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Subordination Agreement is executed on the day and year first above stated.
<br />Bank Name U.S. Bank National Association ND
<br />By: Kathleen M. Lokken
<br />Title: Operations Officer
<br />STATE OF _North Dakota )
<br />COUNTY OF Cass )
<br />No Corporate Seal
<br />KIMB -FtLy
<br />D.
<br />public HER
<br />State of North Dakota
<br />M Commission Ex ires 6 - 8-2006
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 9th day of May, 2003, by (name)
<br />Kathleen M. Lokken, the (title) Operations Officer of (bank name) U.S. Bank National Association ND a
<br />national banking association, on behalf of the association.
<br />Nota Public
<br />S Ch
<br />RETURN TO (NLS),
<br />Nations Title Ageqcy, Inc,
<br />5370 W. 95th St.
<br />Shawnee, KS 66207
<br />n
<br />This instrument was drafted by: Lien Perfection, P.O. Box 2687, Fargo ND 58102
<br />