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200308050 <br />AI mIG U N 107 A0*0 <br />S PAP TAX <br />JAN 17 1986 <br />V, 'J'RAIN r'� SEED <br />86- x.00275 <br />PAUL A. iUT.IERT AN. CARROLL J. PAUERT, husband .3Pd wife, GRANTOR, <br />in consideration c NINETY -THREE THOUSAND FOUR IIIJNDRF.D AND NO /IGG <br />DOIJTARS ($93,400.CO) received from GRANTEE, COUNTY OF HALL, STAT` <br />OF NEBRASKA, conveys to GRANTEE, the following described real <br />estate (as defin(.J in Pleb. Rev. Stat. 76 -201) : <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NiNW}) of Section Twenty -six (26), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, :rc *e particu'.a- 1ti• i:t- scribed <br />as follc,ws: Beginning at the northwest corner of saici <br />Section Twenty -six (26); thence easterly along th^ north <br />line 01 sari Section Twenty -six (26), a distancei• of TwD <br />7huusi-.nd 5�._xt.y -six (2,066.0) feet; thence deflectinc. : <br />89 °13'22" and running southerly, a distance of One Tiousand <br />Thre,2 Hundred Eighteen and Forty -five Hundredths (i, "'s'H,;S} <br />feet. to the south line of said North Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter (N }NW }); thence westerly along the south line •.)f <br />said 'north Half of the Northwest Quarter (N }NW}), a distance <br />of Two Thousand Twenty -three and Eighty -one Hundredths <br />(2,027.81) feet to the west line of said Section Twenty -six <br />126); thence nor+.`;rlr along the west line of said Section <br />r -six (iai �:;i. stance of One Thousand Three :iunazed <br />Sevonteen and Fifteen Hundredths (1,317.15) feet to the <br />place of beginning and containing 61.828 acres, more or <br />less. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with <br />GiZAP: T EE that GRANTOR; <br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is <br />free from encumbrances except for covenants, restric- <br />tions and easements of record; <br />(2) has legal power and lawful a::tho ity to co;I y th,> <br />same; <br />(3) warrant,% -,and will !'.efend title to the real estate <br />against fhe lawful claims of all persons. <br />'yecutud1\���O <br />PAUL M. RAUERT <br />l ROLL ) . � RT <br />CA�2ROLL J. U E <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />`G- <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />The foregoing instrument was • %nouledged beforo on <br />() , 1936, by 1 1,: ,IM. Rauert an(' Carroll <br />kauertL husband and wife. �- <br />9 F6ItFVA&ft0&%IW � Notar} Pubiic <br />My commission expires: <br />