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ORDINANCE NO. 8815 (Cont.) 200308034 <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (NW 1/4, SE 1/4) Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />thence southerly along the westerly line of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (NW 1/4, SE 1/4) Section Thirteen (13), a distance of two <br />hundred fifty (250.0) feet to a northwest corner of Lot Nine (9) Richmond <br />Subdivision; thence easterly along a northerly line of said Lot Nine (9) Richmond <br />Subdivision, a distance of one hundred eighty -three and ninety -four hundredths <br />(183.94) feet to a corner of said Lot Nine (9) Richmond Subdivision; thence <br />northerly along a westerly line of said Lot Nine (9) Richmond Subdivision, a <br />distance of two hundred fifty and fifteen hundredths (250.15) feet, to a point on <br />the Southerly right -of -way line of Faidley Avenue; thence easterly along the said <br />southerly right -of -way line of Faidley Avenue, a distance of five hundred two and <br />seven tenths (502.7) feet; thence northerly along the easterly line of Crane Valley <br />6th Subdivision and its extension, a distance of two hundred seventy -two (272.0) <br />feet to a point of deflection; thence northwesterly a distance of eleven and twenty - <br />eight hundredths (11.28) feet to the northerly line of Lot One (1) Crane Valley 6th <br />Subdivision; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot One (1) and Lot (2) <br />of said Crane Valley 6th Subdivision, and their extensions, a distance of six <br />hundred eighty -four and seventy -six hundredths (684.76) feet to the northwest <br />corner of said Lot Two (2) Crane Valley 6th Subdivision; thence southerly, along <br />the westerly line of said Lot Two (2) Crane Valley 6th Subdivision, a distance of <br />two hundred eighty -seven (287.0) feet to the said Point of Beginning., being the <br />said point of beginning, as shown on the plat dated June 12, 2003, attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />SECTION 3. Said improvement shall be made in accordance with plans and <br />specifications approved by the Engineer for the City, who shall estimate the cost thereof. Bids <br />for the construction of said water main shall be taken and contracts entered into in the manner <br />provided by law. <br />SECTION 4. All improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost thereof <br />shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially benefited thereby as provided by <br />law. <br />N v <br />.1 <br />-2- <br />