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2003075'78 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section <br />Two (2), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the <br />Northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) Capital Heights Eighth Subdivision, said <br />point being 1,248.0 Feet North and 61.0 Feet West of Southeast corner of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4); thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said <br />Capital Heights Eighth Subdivision and parallel to the Southerly line of said <br />NW1 /4, a distance of 1,301.55 Feet, to the Northwest Corner of said Capital <br />Heights Eighth Subdivision; thence deflecting right 89 13' 10" and running <br />Northerly a distance of 1,054.34 Feet, to the Southerly right -of -way line of <br />Highway 2; thence Southeasterly along said right -of -way line, a distance of <br />1,359.09 Feet to the Westerly line of Independence Avenue; thence Southerly <br />along the Westerly line of said Independence Avenue, a distance of 679.92 Feet <br />to the place of beginning and containing 25.909 acres, more or less. <br />