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200307371 <br />TRUSTOR'S WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />(Waiver of Homestead) <br />The undersigned represent and warrant as true each of the following statements with regard <br />to the attached Deed of Trust: <br />1. We acknowledge that we did read, sign and execute this Written Acknowledgment before <br />we signed the Deed of Trust. <br />2. We understand, and understood before signing said Deed of Trust, and acknowledged that <br />the Deed of Trust is a trust deed and not a mortgage and that the power of sale provided for in the <br />Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to us than a mortgage in the <br />event of default or breach of obligation under said Deed of Trust. <br />3. We understand and acknowledge that in the event of the default or breach of obligation by <br />us, the Deed of Trust allows the Beneficiary the right to have the trust property sold by the trustee <br />without any judicial proceedings or foreclosure. <br />4. We represent and warrant that this written acknowledgment was written and executed by us <br />before the execution of the Trust Deed. <br />5. We understand and acknowledge that we have the right to make a designation of homestead <br />in the Deed of Trust and we hereby waive such right. <br />6. For so long as the Deed of Trust remains unsatisfied and a lien upon the real estate, each of <br />us waives any right under the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act to make a designation of <br />homestead. <br />7. We understand and acknowledge that our execution of this Written Acknowledgment <br />constitutes the waiver of rights otherwise available for the purpose of affording us the opportunity to <br />retain our homestead in the event of a default upon the Deed of Trust. <br />This Written Acknowledgement is a preface to and is filed for record with and is a part of the <br />attached Deed of Trust. <br />STEPH N P. HANSON TRUSTOR <br />K-11 4Y J. SEN TRUSTOR <br />