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N.W. CORNER N111/4 <br />SECTION 17- TIIN -RIOW <br />FOUND "D I HOSTLER' <br />ALUMINUM CAP IS ASPH� <br />PAVEMENT <br />IRON RON PIPE. FOUND <br />/2" RON PIPE PLACED <br />200307151 <br />INC r EXTRACTION WE,_ <br />PI-FLINL (APPROX., LOCAr <br />�\ I LOCA�IUN) - <br />� PLACED PK tiAH. IN <br />ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />2.500.0' As �• -- \ I <br />33.0' A.- � 1 4' <br />60' WIDE EASEMENT FOR -j �I <br />PUBLIC ROAD AND I Oa• <br />$ ON <br />UTILITY PURPOSES =s I I ' c <br />E <br />D O <br />� I <br />N <br />WA <br />' tv <br />,noTER (EV-6) � o <br />I K 1 N.W. CORNER NEI <br />SECTION 17- TIIN _ RIOW <br />�XU4ATE AREA OF RDX CONTAMINATION —1 FOUND PK NAIL IN <br />(PER DRAWING PROVIDED BY TERRY 33.0' Al) I ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />N. URS GREINER WOODWARD CLYDE, <br />NUARY 4, 2001) <br />J <br />oats <br />i't,oIRK <br />I <br />i <br />33.0' A. --T' I <br />-- r - - - -• II / /- FOUND PK NAII. IN <br />— - ! ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />1,880.0' A. <br />Wp9 1 <br />OP <br />at.1�' , 1 <br />3 <br />7. <br />Fla E <br />V) o- y <br />N� <br />�I <br />ti <br />N.E. CORNER NF.I /4 � <br />SECTION 17- TIIN -RIOW <br />FOUND ALUIBNUM CAP <br />I <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A <br />1) ETA 11. "1" <br />SCALE 1"=100' <br />BJ. <br />BT,OJ, <br />-10• R/ <br />244.07 Rl. <br />_ <br />244.12' A. - <br />t; <br />M <br />.0., <br />A <br />1) ETA 11. "1" <br />SCALE 1"=100' <br />DETAIL "B" <br />WATER TREATMENT <br />STATION (EW -6) EASEMENT <br />SCALE 1" =100' <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4), a part of the Northeast Quarter (NF,I /4), and s part of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), all being in Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (I1) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.. Hall County. Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), a <br />distance of One Thousand Sixty Three and Twenty Six Hundredths (1,063.26) feet: thence deflecting right 90'36'31" and running northerly, s distance of Two <br />Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Thirty Eight Hundredths (2,790.38) feel: thence deflecting right 89'00'12" and running northeasterly, a distance of One Thousand <br />Eight Hundred Twenty Nine and Fourteen Hundredths (1.829.14) feet: thence deflectln.S right 110'37'28' and running southerly, a distance of One Thousand Four <br />Hundred Five and Seventeen Hundredths 1,405.17) feet: thence deflecting right 86'54'37 and running westerly, a distance of Ninety Eight and Forty Two Hundredths <br />(98.42) feet: thence deflecting left 85.06 10" and running southerly, a distance of Two Hundred Forty Four and Twelve Hundredths (244.12) feet: thence deflecting <br />left 91.37'57' and running easterly, a distance of Due Hundred Five and Eighty Seven Hundredths (105.87) feel: thence deflecting right 69'51'27" and running southerly, <br />a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and Four Tenths (1,773.40) feet to a point on the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), said point <br />being Two Thousand Twenty Three and Sixty Seven Hundredths (2,023.67) feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4): thence deflecting right <br />80'46'52' and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance of Six Hundred Sixty Seven and Fifteen Hundredths <br />(667.15) feel to the point of beginning and containing 122.210 acres, more of less. <br />SU'RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the accompanying plat is from an me-curate survey of the. described properly made under my supervision. <br />Lee D Wagner, Registered Land �irie r No. 557 <br />11T. OF THE SWI 4, PT. OF' THE: NWI /1, <br />PT. OF THE NEI %4, k 117'. OF THE. SFIl1 <br />SECTION 17- TIIN- -RIOW <br />HALL. COUNTY, NFHRASKA <br />LAND SURVElY <br />r 'r <br />r.•• s <br />IIENJAMIN & ASSOCIATFS, ; \C - �• '" <br />1'1�A('rl' \(). 3713 FNIGINF:ERS & Stil(VFY'OI(S <br />P. 0. BOX 139 PHONE. 362 -5465 - ARIA COOF.:s00 i <br />GRAND ISLANII, NF:HRASKA 6911U2-0:13b <br />EXHIBIT "A -3" ATTACHED TO AND MADE <br />A PART OF QUITCLAIM DEED <br />_ <br />t 30.0• "' <br />DETAIL "B" <br />WATER TREATMENT <br />STATION (EW -6) EASEMENT <br />SCALE 1" =100' <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4), a part of the Northeast Quarter (NF,I /4), and s part of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), all being in Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (I1) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.. Hall County. Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), a <br />distance of One Thousand Sixty Three and Twenty Six Hundredths (1,063.26) feet: thence deflecting right 90'36'31" and running northerly, s distance of Two <br />Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Thirty Eight Hundredths (2,790.38) feel: thence deflecting right 89'00'12" and running northeasterly, a distance of One Thousand <br />Eight Hundred Twenty Nine and Fourteen Hundredths (1.829.14) feet: thence deflectln.S right 110'37'28' and running southerly, a distance of One Thousand Four <br />Hundred Five and Seventeen Hundredths 1,405.17) feet: thence deflecting right 86'54'37 and running westerly, a distance of Ninety Eight and Forty Two Hundredths <br />(98.42) feet: thence deflecting left 85.06 10" and running southerly, a distance of Two Hundred Forty Four and Twelve Hundredths (244.12) feet: thence deflecting <br />left 91.37'57' and running easterly, a distance of Due Hundred Five and Eighty Seven Hundredths (105.87) feel: thence deflecting right 69'51'27" and running southerly, <br />a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and Four Tenths (1,773.40) feet to a point on the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), said point <br />being Two Thousand Twenty Three and Sixty Seven Hundredths (2,023.67) feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4): thence deflecting right <br />80'46'52' and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance of Six Hundred Sixty Seven and Fifteen Hundredths <br />(667.15) feel to the point of beginning and containing 122.210 acres, more of less. <br />SU'RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the accompanying plat is from an me-curate survey of the. described properly made under my supervision. <br />Lee D Wagner, Registered Land �irie r No. 557 <br />11T. OF THE SWI 4, PT. OF' THE: NWI /1, <br />PT. OF THE NEI %4, k 117'. OF THE. SFIl1 <br />SECTION 17- TIIN- -RIOW <br />HALL. COUNTY, NFHRASKA <br />LAND SURVElY <br />r 'r <br />r.•• s <br />IIENJAMIN & ASSOCIATFS, ; \C - �• '" <br />1'1�A('rl' \(). 3713 FNIGINF:ERS & Stil(VFY'OI(S <br />P. 0. BOX 139 PHONE. 362 -5465 - ARIA COOF.:s00 i <br />GRAND ISLANII, NF:HRASKA 6911U2-0:13b <br />EXHIBIT "A -3" ATTACHED TO AND MADE <br />A PART OF QUITCLAIM DEED <br />