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200307044 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(E112SE114)' of Section Four 4), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6t6 P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more parlicularly described as follows. <br />Beginning at the northeast comer of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(E112SE114), thence running southerly along the east line of said East Half of the <br />Southeast QuorW (E112SE114), on on Assumed Bearing of 500'00'18 "E, o distance <br />of Two Thousand Three Hundred forty Three (2343.0) feet, thence running <br />N88'35 20 "W and parallel with the north line of said East Half of the Southeast <br />Ouarter (E112SE114), a - distance of One Thousand Thirty and Fifty Three Hundredths <br />(1030.53) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning, thence contitbng N88'3520 "W <br />and parallel with the north line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(E112SE114), a distance of Three Hundred Eight and Thirty Three Hundredths <br />(308.33) feel, to a point on the west line of said lost Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (E112SE114), thence running S00'11 '11 "W, along the west line of said East <br />Half of the Southeast Quorter (E112SE114), a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Nine <br />and Seventy Five Hundredths (299.75) feet, to the southwest comer of said Cost <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (E112SE114), thence running N88'3122 "E, along the <br />south line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1125E114), a distance of <br />Three Hundred Eight and Thirty Three Hundredths (308.33) feet, thence running <br />N00'11'I I "E, a distance of Three Hundred and Ten Hundredths (300.10) feet, to the <br />ACTUAL point of beginning and containing 2.122 acres more or less of which 0.234 <br />acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right of way. Net 1.888 <br />acres more or less. <br />t <br />r <br />