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�8 -A —QUIT CLAIM DEED 1-st,N 11 PnIcal, mach NE68524- -- <br />'? _a m 200307016 <br />w <br />_' <br />m <br />Do <br />to �0 U n O <br />eo <br />W f—+ <br />-C tYr m <br />TI IIS INDENTURE, Made taps day of �Iel le N <br />in the year ado � ,between / / / /// <br />If the first part, and <br />Jo �; Sc V.' 6 Z <br />� of the second part, <br />WITNESSETH, that the said part 1 of the first Hart, in censider dmn of the sum of <br />�I ll a W 1k & r Ql J\ Ca "I d - r" T DOLLARS, <br />to duly said, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged remised, released, and <br />7 quit- claimed, and by these presents do remise, release and forever quit claim note the said part of the second part, and <br />I to Los, her or their heirs and assigns fosver, all his, her or their right, title and m 'est, in and to all <br />��31 <br />L nw da:aN t1' 6 I ?r SO 1-7 Owe <br />��11 Coffin �y e- v) raslLcc_ <br />Together with all and singular the hereditament& thereunto h l..,ing. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises auto the said grantee and to grantee's heirs and insigne forever so <br />that neither the &aid grantor , nor any person in his, her or their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any <br />right or title to the &aid premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and <br />fore. baited, <br />- K d ., t �L�t, - 1,. ..r "' l �. ___ �"1,,T_ °��r�•e ••t __— dr'@. �ti'y —a _ -_. _. _— _ - _ <br />� V 0 <br />f vG(�_____, County 17,1w / <br />j <br />BTATE OF..__. /F a, _ <br />Before me, a notary blic uahfied for said aunty, Pereonelly came' a MIASh <br />�a�ens� <br />melt n ryN <br />to be the identical who signed the forearm C41mA� a executlon� <br />known to a person perso <br />- thereof to be his, her or them voluntary aet apd dead <br />Z ZFiO 3 <br />Witness my hand and nothalifil seal on...._`/ GL.. j/j C..... <br />' C. <br />� S ��Q. C/ <br />_ _ Nota Public. <br />My commiasfon erPiree' -_ -- _ , ✓... ... _ _ _ _ _ -- _- ry <br />OF _ ... Enteriali for <br />- _........... <br />- _ __..... <br />County �. } re. in the egister off Deeds ODice of said ounty the'I <br />.day of _.._- _ _..... ___. ..., at...... - ........ ... _.o'clock and_._ ___.... ._minutes ..__...__. __._M.,' <br />andrecorded in Rook ............... of—_.— . _ ..................... at Page._....... _....._.....__................. <br />......__._.._..___— __.__.. ......._......._...____.__.Beg. of Deeds', <br />i <br />BY .............................................................. ......_ Dainty! <br />! <br />Rev. 10198 <br />