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200307006 <br />Pert nt the SW 1/6 SW 1/4 Ot Santlon 21, Tnwnatllp 11 Nona. Be"r, 8 West nt ine 6th F. M., Hall County. Nearonke, more it M1I it rly tlparateetl es he w5_ <br />commenclnn a a corm 111,11 tort West of me 600thri comer of the 5W 123 9W 1/4 or settlon z1. mnning thence Nonn ane 1n a Ilne parallel wlh, me P I <br />pocuntlary 1Li or Sala sw v4 sW 1/4, o Jletence of 140.7 teen hence et high, angles antl m a westerly alroNCn 100 teat Tnencr at npht angle. antl m <br />fiouthatly tlI'le .1n 2d h tee.. to ence et right angles and In en FASte rly tllrettton 110 tee, to the Plaoe o1 Beglnning su0le ct No weve4 to tae 1119awuy <br />Night -olway -i the sopNeay as feet mnreet. <br />