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` z z n <br />�/ 8y <br />� O 11 <br />rN W <br />C <br />� � o <br />A D N W <br />200306853 0 <br />DEED OF RE, CONVEYANCE <br />-5--5-0 <br />Security Federal Savings a Federal Savings Bank, Trustee, having received a written request from <br />Security Federal Savings. a Federal Savings Bank, Beneficiary, for reconveyance of property encumbered <br />by a Trust Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Lancaster County, Nebraska <br />as Instrument No. 1193 105226 <br />executed by Fred W Rauch and Mara ref L Rauch husband and wife does hereby reconvey the following <br />property, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto: <br />LEGAL DESCRI111'ION: A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest <br />Quarter of Section 21, Township Il North, lunge 9 West of the 6th Y.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South side of Anna Street of the <br />City or Grand Island, Nebraska, 15 feel East or the West side of Jackson Street extended Southerly, <br />said paint is also, 1010 feel Southwesterly from a point where the Southerly line of Anna Street <br />intersects the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter or Section 21, in <br />Township 11 North, Range 9 West or the 6th P.M., thence running in a Southeasterly direction <br />parallel with the Westerly line of Jackson Street as extended a distance of 275 feet thence running <br />right 90 degrees in a Southwesterly direction 273.9 feel to a point that is also 2572 feet from a point <br />on the East property, One of the County Road, thence running right 90 degrees along a one parallel <br />with the West line of Jackson Street as extended, a distance of 127.00 feet, thence right 90 degrees <br />along a line parallel with the South line of Aorta Street 93.10 feet, thence right 127 feet along a line <br />parallel with the West line of Jackson Street as extended to closure, said closure constituting a tract <br />of land 127 feet by 93.10 feet. <br />Dated this May 14, 2003. <br />Security Federal Savings, a Federal Savings <br />Bank <br />By: <br />rcu' a Vice President <br />NOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />COUNTY OF Lancaster SS <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this McMe 14 20032003, by James L Essay, Executive Vim <br />President of Security Savings, a Federal Savings Blink. Trtstf9,r_^ ^ <br />GENEPAL NOTAAY -side of fkhaUa <br />JULIE L KLEIN <br />kY gar t. EM. get 20, 2DDs <br />DORMOC <br />0ONO3 <br />J <br />h <br />1 <br />