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4'00306$34 <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />Witnesses'. <br />(Seal) <br />NETH W. WIEMERS - Borrower <br />(Seal) <br />CANDII WIEMERS - Borrower <br />(Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />nn ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />STATE OF N EBRASKA, Hl X� County as: r <br />�vD <br />1 h foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of V �"a" -°`� by <br />KENNETH W. WIEMERS <br />CAN DI J. WIEMERS <br />a Jr J IS al) p�6,iWNWATEH <br />Notary Public ` ^� py gplllli8m.01C.lJ.P065 <br />My Commission expires: <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />TO TRUST] II <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or otes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together <br />with all other indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust, have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel <br />said note or notes and this Deed of Trust, which are del iveied hereby, and to reconvcy, without warranty, a] I the <br />estate now held by you under this Deed of Trost to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />NEBRASKA —S¢ 1:nni1— Faaaie MWFreJdle M., UNIFIINM INSTRUMENT Form] @N 1101 Ipa6e l3 of l3 pa6evl <br />oven. -seem: r.e r» <br />v Liwvms <br />Vur.I <br />