<br />WHEREAS, all or part of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by
<br />Theodore Aldrich & Roxanne G Aldrich, husband and wife to UNION BANK AND
<br />TRUST COMPANY, trustee and beneficiary for the benefit of UNION BANK AND
<br />TRUST COMPANY, the Beneficiary named therein, dated January 20, 2000 and
<br />recorded on January 24, 2000 at the office of Register of Deeds Hall County and
<br />recorded as Doc 0200000635 has been paid, and said Beneficiary has requested in writing
<br />this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement
<br />below:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the
<br />request of the Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these
<br />presents, grant, remise, release and reconvene to the person or persons entitled thereto all
<br />the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Deed in the
<br />following described premises, but only as to such premises:
<br />Lot One (1), Wegner Subdivision, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEI /4SE1 /4) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6`h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, containing 5.327 acres, more or less.
<br />For Information Purposes aka 3326 Airport Road, GI
<br />TOGETHER WITH all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging
<br />to such premises.
<br />Dated this 28th day of May, 2003
<br />Union B c and Trust Company,
<br />Gra s rid Bran Ic Tru e
<br />�v
<br />Larry W' telmi
<br />Assisla Vice President
<br />The Beneficiary does hereby request that this Deed Reconveyance be executed and
<br />delivered.
<br />Union B4 "d Trust Company,
<br />Larry Wilhelmi
<br />Assistant ice President
<br />55.
<br />he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of
<br />20i°�, by Larry Wilhelmi of Union Bank and Trust ompany, Trustee.
<br />�g�����n.yy NOiNa' Stlk of NehtatMe
<br />o[a 1'ubllp(gTHV HOl13ER
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<br />DEED OF
<br />WHEREAS, all or part of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by
<br />Theodore Aldrich & Roxanne G Aldrich, husband and wife to UNION BANK AND
<br />TRUST COMPANY, trustee and beneficiary for the benefit of UNION BANK AND
<br />TRUST COMPANY, the Beneficiary named therein, dated January 20, 2000 and
<br />recorded on January 24, 2000 at the office of Register of Deeds Hall County and
<br />recorded as Doc 0200000635 has been paid, and said Beneficiary has requested in writing
<br />this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement
<br />below:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the
<br />request of the Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these
<br />presents, grant, remise, release and reconvene to the person or persons entitled thereto all
<br />the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Deed in the
<br />following described premises, but only as to such premises:
<br />Lot One (1), Wegner Subdivision, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEI /4SE1 /4) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6`h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, containing 5.327 acres, more or less.
<br />For Information Purposes aka 3326 Airport Road, GI
<br />TOGETHER WITH all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging
<br />to such premises.
<br />Dated this 28th day of May, 2003
<br />Union B c and Trust Company,
<br />Gra s rid Bran Ic Tru e
<br />�v
<br />Larry W' telmi
<br />Assisla Vice President
<br />The Beneficiary does hereby request that this Deed Reconveyance be executed and
<br />delivered.
<br />Union B4 "d Trust Company,
<br />Larry Wilhelmi
<br />Assistant ice President
<br />55.
<br />he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of
<br />20i°�, by Larry Wilhelmi of Union Bank and Trust ompany, Trustee.
<br />�g�����n.yy NOiNa' Stlk of NehtatMe
<br />o[a 1'ubllp(gTHV HOl13ER
<br />My arum. FrA..len.?B, 7ll0i
<br />