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200306787 <br />Beginning at the Northwest comer of said N/2 N W /4; thence Easterly <br />along and upon the North line of said N/2 N W/4 a distance of 1,783.0 <br />feet; thence South 10 09'W a distance of 372 feet; thence N 880 57E <br />a distance of 678.2 feet; thence S 38° 31' F, a distance of 665.7 feel; <br />thence S 820 23' E a distance of 387.6 feet; thence S 64° 52' E a <br />distance of 89.4 feet; thence S 890 OF E a distance of 428.42 feet to <br />a point on the East Line of said NW /4 NE /4; thence S 0° 29'F, along <br />and upon the East line of said N W/4 NE/4 a distance of 338 feet to <br />the Southeast Corner of said NW /4 NF, /4; thence S 89° 40'W along <br />and upon the South Line of said NW /4 NE /4 a distance of 156.75 <br />feet; thence N 430 24'W a distance of 258.33 feet; thence N 720 43' <br />W a distance of 735.32 feet; thence N 35'40'W a distance of 542.98 <br />feet; thence S 89° 52'W a distance of 152.25 feet; thence S 520 4T W <br />a distance of 875.5 feet; thence S 890 32' W a distance of 189.5 feet; <br />thence N 69° 37' W a distance of 602.64 feet; thence S 69° 34' W a <br />distance of 865.7 feet, to a point on the Westerly Line of said N/2 <br />NW /4; thence Northerly along and upon the Westerly Line of said <br />N/2 NW /4 a distance of 1,069.45 feet to the point of beginning. <br />You are in breach of the following obligations for which the Trust Property was conveyed as <br />security: <br />1. You have failed to make the full May 1, 2001 payment to United Nebraska Bank in <br />the amount of $15,000.00 under your First Amended Plan of Reorganization (United <br />States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nebraska, Case NO. BK 99 -41 121)(the <br />"Plan "), which effective May 1, 2002, amounted to a short fall of approximately <br />$11,000.00. <br />2. You have failed to make the January 10, 2003 unsecured claim payment to Ag <br />Services of America, Inc. in the amount of $2,078.15 as required by the Plan. <br />3. You have failed to make the May 1, 2002 and 2003 secured machinery payments to <br />State Bank of Cairo in the approximate amount of $20,100.00 per year as required <br />by the Plan, for an approximate total owing of $40,200.00. Since Ag Services of <br />America, Inc. has a security interest in the machinery securing such missed payment, <br />the security interest of Ag Services of America, Inc. is impaired by your failure to <br />make the Plan payment. <br />4. You have failed to make the May 1, 2003 real estate secured claim payment to Ag <br />Services of America, Inc. in the amount of $42,050.15 as required by the Plan. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />