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<br />WAIVER
<br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, the undersigned, GERALD
<br />L. DEAN and PAMELA K. DEAN, husband and wife, prior to executing the attached Deed of Trust dated
<br />May 28, 2003, by and between the undersigned and THE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, A Nebraska Banking
<br />Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgage ") hereby state and acknowledge:
<br />1. The undersigned states, warrants and represents that their dwelling house and other buildings subject to a
<br />homestead are presently located upon the following described real estate (hereafter referred to as "Parcel
<br />1 ")
<br />A tract of land comprising a Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12), Range Twelve (12) North
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE 1/4); thence running southerly along the east line of the said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred and
<br />Fifty -eight Hundredths (700.58) feet; thence deflecting right 89 °15'34" and running westerly a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety -four and
<br />Thirty -nine Hundredths (994.39) feet; thence deflecting left 86 °30'56" and running southerly a distance of One Hundred Eighty -seven and
<br />Forty -one Hundredths (187.41) feet; thence deflecting right 87 °18'18" and running westerly a distance of Five Hundred Eighty and
<br />Ninety -four Hundredths (580.94) feet, to a point on the easterly right of way line of Nebraska Highway No. 11, and to a point on a curve;
<br />thence running northwesterly along the easterly right of way line of Nebraska Highway No. 11 and the arc of a curve to the right whose
<br />radius is Two Thousand Eight Hundred Five and Four Hundredths (2,805.04) feet, the long cord of which deflects right 80 °47'53" from the
<br />last described course, a long chord distance of Nine Hundred Six and Sixty -four Hundredths (906.64) feet, to a point of tangency; thence
<br />deflecting right 09'18'Ot" from the last described course and continuing northerly along the easterly right of way line of Nebraska
<br />Highway No. 11, a distance of Seventeen and Nine Tenths (17.90) feet, to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4);
<br />thence deflecting right 90 016'45" and running easterly along the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of One Thousand
<br />Seven Hundred Twenty Eight and Forty -four Hundredths (1,728.44) feet, to the point of beginning and containing 30.578 acres more or
<br />less of which 1.815 acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right of way. Net 28.763 acres more or less..
<br />2. The undersigned acknowledges that they have a right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage
<br />or Deed of Trust for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain their homestead in the event of
<br />default and foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust.
<br />3. The undersigned acknowledges that the execution of this waiver constitutes the complete waiver of rights
<br />otherwise available for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain a homestead in the event of a
<br />default and any foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust.
<br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment and waiver is their knowing and voluntary act and
<br />deed and the undersigned do hereby willingly and voluntarily waive, relinquish and remise any and
<br />all right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage or Deed of Trust.
<br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and waiver shall be filed as a
<br />Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed of Trust.
<br />Dated: May 28, 2003
<br />) SS
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May 28, 2003, by GERALD L. DEAN and
<br />PAMELA K. DEAN, husband and wife.
<br />6ENE6AI. NOU State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Nov 14, 2005
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<br />WAIVER
<br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, the undersigned, GERALD
<br />L. DEAN and PAMELA K. DEAN, husband and wife, prior to executing the attached Deed of Trust dated
<br />May 28, 2003, by and between the undersigned and THE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, A Nebraska Banking
<br />Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgage ") hereby state and acknowledge:
<br />1. The undersigned states, warrants and represents that their dwelling house and other buildings subject to a
<br />homestead are presently located upon the following described real estate (hereafter referred to as "Parcel
<br />1 ")
<br />A tract of land comprising a Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12), Range Twelve (12) North
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE 1/4); thence running southerly along the east line of the said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred and
<br />Fifty -eight Hundredths (700.58) feet; thence deflecting right 89 °15'34" and running westerly a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety -four and
<br />Thirty -nine Hundredths (994.39) feet; thence deflecting left 86 °30'56" and running southerly a distance of One Hundred Eighty -seven and
<br />Forty -one Hundredths (187.41) feet; thence deflecting right 87 °18'18" and running westerly a distance of Five Hundred Eighty and
<br />Ninety -four Hundredths (580.94) feet, to a point on the easterly right of way line of Nebraska Highway No. 11, and to a point on a curve;
<br />thence running northwesterly along the easterly right of way line of Nebraska Highway No. 11 and the arc of a curve to the right whose
<br />radius is Two Thousand Eight Hundred Five and Four Hundredths (2,805.04) feet, the long cord of which deflects right 80 °47'53" from the
<br />last described course, a long chord distance of Nine Hundred Six and Sixty -four Hundredths (906.64) feet, to a point of tangency; thence
<br />deflecting right 09'18'Ot" from the last described course and continuing northerly along the easterly right of way line of Nebraska
<br />Highway No. 11, a distance of Seventeen and Nine Tenths (17.90) feet, to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4);
<br />thence deflecting right 90 016'45" and running easterly along the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of One Thousand
<br />Seven Hundred Twenty Eight and Forty -four Hundredths (1,728.44) feet, to the point of beginning and containing 30.578 acres more or
<br />less of which 1.815 acres more or less is presently occupied by public road right of way. Net 28.763 acres more or less..
<br />2. The undersigned acknowledges that they have a right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage
<br />or Deed of Trust for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain their homestead in the event of
<br />default and foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust.
<br />3. The undersigned acknowledges that the execution of this waiver constitutes the complete waiver of rights
<br />otherwise available for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain a homestead in the event of a
<br />default and any foreclosure under the Mortgage or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust.
<br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment and waiver is their knowing and voluntary act and
<br />deed and the undersigned do hereby willingly and voluntarily waive, relinquish and remise any and
<br />all right to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage or Deed of Trust.
<br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and waiver shall be filed as a
<br />Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed of Trust.
<br />Dated: May 28, 2003
<br />) SS
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May 28, 2003, by GERALD L. DEAN and
<br />PAMELA K. DEAN, husband and wife.
<br />6ENE6AI. NOU State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Nov 14, 2005
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