CONENANI'S 200306682
<br />I. Payments. print agrees to make all payments on the secured debt when due. Unless Borrower and Under agree otherwise. any payments Under n,co,,, from
<br />Bunowo or for Bonowet's benefit will be applied first to any amounts borrower owes on the secured debt exclusive of interest or principal, second to imeresI, and then to
<br />principal It soullprepaymentof the scau ed deblawuts formry mums it will nut deduce or excuse mry st ImduIed payment until the secured debt is puid in I IL
<br />2. Claims Against Title. Borrower will pay all lazes, assesmesc and other charge, amibmahle to the propeny, when due and will defend title to the popery ug -imt
<br />any claims which would impair the lien of this dead of m,L Lender may require Bon-we to assign any rights, claims or defenses which Borrower mey have against
<br />parties who supply labor or materials to improve or maintain the property.
<br />3. 1 ... inner. Burrower wer will keep drc property ImumN under rents acceptor], to Lender at Borrower', expense cad for Under s bcncfit. All Insmere, policies shall
<br />include a standard mortgage clause in favor of Londe. Lander will be named as loss payee or as the insured on any such mandate, policy. Any inmmnce proceeds mey be
<br />applied, within Iaader s d emery r, to either the restoration or I clean of the damaged property or to the sn.wad debt If Lender Ieyui es morgue, insurance, Bonower
<br />agrees to muimaia such instant., for as lung ors Lender romances.
<br />4. Property,. Imrrower will keep the propeny in g.oil condition and make all reps its mosmmbly n—u,
<br />5. Expenses. Borrower agrees in pay all Lender' expenses, including reasonable grim —y, fees, if Bormwei beaks mry rovenam, in this deed of rust or in any
<br />obligation scamedby,his deed ofuust. Borrower wills pay there amounts to l ender as provided in Covenant 9 oflhis deed oftmst.
<br />6. Prior Security Interests. Unless Borrower first curios Lender's written contest, Bnomwer will not make ore permit air, ohunges to may prior weardy interests -
<br />Borrower will perform all of Borrowers obligations under any prior mortgage, dead of host m other smunty agreement, including Burrower a cover ter, to make payment
<br />when due.
<br />T. Assignment of Rents and Profits. Borrower assigns to Lander the mars and profits of the property. Unless Borrower and Lender have agreed otherwise in writing
<br />Borwilm may collect and stain the rents as Inng a, Bmnw,r It For in defuull- If borrower defaults, Larder, Lender' agent ol a court appnimed oreivei may take
<br />Possession and manage the propeny and collect ale rents Any rents Lender collects ,hall be applied first m the cost of rmua,in, the prupe�ty. including coon cos, and
<br />anomeys' fees, commissions to rental agents, and any other necessary related expense.,. The remaining amount of meals will then apply to payments on the secured debt as
<br />provided in Covenant I.
<br />8. L ... sholds; Condolydniums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrowers reea m comply with the pmvi, m, ofully lease if this deed of trust u an leasehold. If this
<br />deed of rust is on a raft in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties under the onvena -,, by laws- or regulations Of
<br />the emndrommum or rlonnW had development
<br />-
<br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Bon'nwer. If Ron.,. fails to perform, any of Borrower s duties under this deed oftmst Lend, may perform the duties or
<br />cause them to he performed . Lemma rimy sign Borrower's name or pay any amount ifneerssery for permnimice Ifuny construction on the propeny is dimnmioull nr not
<br />e-med na in reumablmmumer, Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Leader's securely intereal in the properly , This any include cnnrpleting lh, coloration-
<br />Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of its other ights under the law or this deed of lost
<br />Airy mamas paid by Lender to protect Lender*, eepud w inter,,( will be secured by Wis decd of trust. Such amounts will be due on demand antl will bear interest from the
<br />data ofthe payment until paid in fill at the arems, role in effect on the secured debt
<br />10. Default antl Aredertdon. If ponnwer fails to make any payment when due car breaks any covenant, redef 0,,, deed of least or say obligation... toll by this deed of
<br />Imst or any prior mortgage or deed of trust Lender may a... cone the maturity of the seemed debt and demand Immediate payment and may invoke time power 'd and
<br />any other rend ies permitted by applicable law.
<br />11. Request for Notice of Default 11 is hereby requested that copies of the notices of def rid, and all be seat m each person who Lc a pan, hem,o, al the umbels ofeach
<br />such parson - us at forth herein.
<br />12. Power of Sale. little Lender invokes the power upside, the Trustee shall Wnt record in the office of the register fdeed,of "ill county whcout the cost propeny nr
<br />rte pan or parcel thereof is situated a notice of default 1- marring the information required by law. The Tnntee shall also mail copies of the notice of defuull to the
<br />Borrow,, to each person who is a party hemq and to other persons as proscribed by applicable law. Not le, morn one month afie'the Trustee Iecnnfa drc notice of defaul,
<br />or two months ifthe trust property is not in any tauwpomtW city or village and is used in fearing operations Gamed on by the tmsm , the Tnnmc Aril l give public notice of
<br />sale to the person., and is time norm prescribed by applicable law- Trustee, without around on Borrowe, shall sell she prop,, ry at public auction to the highest M1ldder II'
<br />repo iron by the Farm Homestead Protection Act Trustee shall otter the props, in two W t sales ac - arium ' ed by applicable law. Trustee may 1 tp. sale of all or any
<br />pace] of the property by p.hill an sou wanted if In core and place of any p oolu sly I I k if .to Leader o I it designee may rumbas, fie propeny m n ry sale.
<br />Upon receipt of payment of price hid, Tmstee shall deliver to the purchaser Tonne: deed conveying are pop nly. 'I he recitud, contained in Truswe's deed shall be
<br />prima facie evidience of the, toull of the stmcrmhrus to earned th T : r shall apply the proceeds of the a the finflow ing order () to II expenses of th - I.
<br />muludn , hot lot linriud to ble Ttuntee . f - ,.,able humors ', fees and reinstatement fees (l) It, tll sit is sc,.,W by this deed of t d and'..) (hcl9ance, If
<br />uny, to We persons legally cat fled to I-five it
<br />13. Foreclosure. At Lend,, opilot, this deed of may be lot dosed in the manor provided by applicable low forfm'ccloom, of monpnge, on awl propeny.
<br />14. Inspaefim , Leader rimy care the property to inspect it if Mende gives Borrower notice beforehand- Tbr notice must into the reasonable -use to Lenders
<br />ill speofor
<br />15. Condemner bon. Borrowerassigns to Lend 'he moseasyl, if y ward or emint for des g. a ernell v, 'th , —aidearmation or other oak' f,f al l many pan of the
<br />propeny. Sees proceeds will be ppl' l as pmv'd d ill Covenant 1, This assignment [ - . ubjeet to drc Gans of.., I,., secrecy ag col rem.
<br />16. Wmv By - inK ad, leaned, .,.liable t [.ad,., - Lender does not give up any relax m later use any often remedy. B, not , ;any vorady upon
<br />Borrowers default Lender do s not wa ve a ry light to ruler consider the event a default 'ft oupe, -pain.
<br />V. Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers; Smorrol rs and Assigns bound. All duties under Ibis deed oftmst anejoim antl sveml. Any Rnmrower who u, signs this
<br />dead of trust but dots nor co -,i, the underlying debt iasuundem s) does so only m gmmt and coney that Borrower's interest in the propety to the "It', undo the teen,
<br />cifthaidedditfors, In addition sucha Borroweragreesthatthe 1. del andany other Borrower under this dead Diffract nr I d, mosclib, brinclocials oar, dmnges in
<br />thetermsofti'sdeWoftrustof thesecureddeliwithertthe onimmer scurecistardwithold - leleroing (I t6 from th t sohhis dead oforrop
<br />The duties and henefits of Wis deW of W se shall bind and henefit the oaeexsors antl assigns of Linder and Romnwer-
<br />18. Nader. C'nleas otherwise relmhed by Into any notice to Borrower shall be given by delivering it or h, m-IIIng it by cetihed "'at l addressed e Bonnwcr tit the
<br />property address or uny other address that Bonn given to Under, Borrower w ll give ally hotel m Lender by rri I ed mail in I. d . address oil page I of this
<br />dead of oust or to any other address, which Lendli Lend hosdifignated, Arysithin n rid-to, fol—to, Undershirt be sem to Iende s add -. as noted on page I of d s deed of bud
<br />Any notice shall be deemad to have been Even m 9mmwe nr Lender when given in We manner sorted above.
<br />19. Ttansfel of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Borrower. If all or any pan of the po erly car any interest in it is sold or tansfenrd without the LcndeC s
<br />union manses, Leader may d dm anon ' -me payment of the secured debt l lend,, I,,y kc, demand Immediate payment fthBurrower is nor e natural I :,nod
<br />b fieial interest or are Bom , -Id or wn,frred. However Lender rao, not de m and payment no ill' hoe slat t n s if.' is prohibited by f d,al law as t f ter date
<br />of this deed ref trust.
<br />20. Re adingltnee, When the obligaion seemed by this deed of frost has been load, and Lender has no further obligation to make advances under the instruments or
<br />agreements scandal by Wis decd of [mat, We Tordee shall upon wool. request by the Lender, Ircunvey the trust property The Icada, ]oil delrve' m the borrower. or to
<br />B...wers,useassorin inters, 1. the tr, tdeadan dthenotc orotherevidenceoftheubliKationsosausfied. Donnwershallpay-nyrecordationcros,-
<br />21 Suroeswr Trustee. Under, a, Lender', pli may huml Tmalce and appirt trustee by first , trading i ,), little substitution of l a egad
<br />by applicable law, and then, by filing the subbhoural oftimsee fo'mod' vile office rRhvesolve, ofdeW. , mfeamb coney- hich W,, ... ... pry. omum pan
<br />themf,i,situated. Thesueces trustee without ey aof We property, shall succeed to all the p.we,, d t . authomit dtitle ofthe Tionce named in the deal of
<br />bud mid of loy increaser trustee,
<br />