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THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br />Ia. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE N 1b. This FINANCING STATEMENTAMENDMEN <br />#98- 105217 to be filed (ror record] (or recorded) in the <br />x REAL ESTATE RECORDS. <br />2. TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is terminated with respect to security interests) of the Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement. <br />3.1 Y (CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is <br />LJcontinued for the additional period provided by applicable law. <br />4. JASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignee in item 7c; and also give name of assignor in item 9. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affects Debtor of LjSecuired Party of record. Check only.QM of these two boxes. <br />Also check one of the following three boxes 9nd provide appropriate information in items 6 and/or 7. <br />j'�CHANGE name add/or address: Give current record name in dam 6a or 6b; also give new DELETE name: Give record name ADD name: Complete kem 7a or 7b, and also <br />_. j [name ('rf name chan e� in item 7a or 7b andlor new address (d address change) in item 7c to be deleted in item 6a or 6b, item 7G also complete Name 7d-7g (rt applicable). <br />6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: <br />F. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />MILLARD REFRIGERATED SERVICES - ATLANTA, INC. <br />OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IFIRSTNAME I MIDDLE NAME I SUFFIX <br />7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: <br />Describe collateral Deleted or added, or give entire) testated collateral description, or describe collateral I )assigned. <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of asls�'gnor, d this is an Assignment). If this is an Amendment authorized by a Debtor which <br />adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or if this is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here I I and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment. <br />JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, f /k/a John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. <br />I0.0I`TI0NALFILER REFERENGE DATA <br />#110- 163798 - Millard Refrigerated Services, Inc. (GA/JHVLIC /GBSA/IPLIC) May 22, 2003 $8.00 <br />FILING OFFICE COPY — NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />;0 <br />n rl <br />rn v <br />C <br />nZ <br />v <br />-,3 <br />7�C <br />C-1. <br />O <br />= <br />z —+ <br />UCC FINANCING STATEMENTAMENDM N <br /><, <br />M <br />o <br />FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY <br />Q <br />1 \' <br />co <br />o, <br />D <br />A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] <br />, ( <br />_r <br />W /( j <br />Karen Williams - Service Center - (217_) 356 46 �Ext -1) <br />n <br />v A <br />o <br />B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />CD N <br />� <br />r a <br />cn .N+ <br />G�]--- <br />E <br />Y1 <br />co <br />2 <br />N'AA <br />OH COCK FE INSURANCE CO. <br />Champaign Service Center <br />CD <br />201 Knollwood Drive, Suite "A" <br />c1l <br />N <br />co r:3 -l- <br />Champaign, Illinois 61820 <br />2003066;8 <br />C <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br />Ia. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE N 1b. This FINANCING STATEMENTAMENDMEN <br />#98- 105217 to be filed (ror record] (or recorded) in the <br />x REAL ESTATE RECORDS. <br />2. TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is terminated with respect to security interests) of the Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement. <br />3.1 Y (CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is <br />LJcontinued for the additional period provided by applicable law. <br />4. JASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignee in item 7c; and also give name of assignor in item 9. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendment affects Debtor of LjSecuired Party of record. Check only.QM of these two boxes. <br />Also check one of the following three boxes 9nd provide appropriate information in items 6 and/or 7. <br />j'�CHANGE name add/or address: Give current record name in dam 6a or 6b; also give new DELETE name: Give record name ADD name: Complete kem 7a or 7b, and also <br />_. j [name ('rf name chan e� in item 7a or 7b andlor new address (d address change) in item 7c to be deleted in item 6a or 6b, item 7G also complete Name 7d-7g (rt applicable). <br />6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: <br />F. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />MILLARD REFRIGERATED SERVICES - ATLANTA, INC. <br />OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IFIRSTNAME I MIDDLE NAME I SUFFIX <br />7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: <br />Describe collateral Deleted or added, or give entire) testated collateral description, or describe collateral I )assigned. <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of asls�'gnor, d this is an Assignment). If this is an Amendment authorized by a Debtor which <br />adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or if this is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here I I and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment. <br />JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, f /k/a John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. <br />I0.0I`TI0NALFILER REFERENGE DATA <br />#110- 163798 - Millard Refrigerated Services, Inc. (GA/JHVLIC /GBSA/IPLIC) May 22, 2003 $8.00 <br />FILING OFFICE COPY — NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />
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