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200306652 <br />(f) "Applicable Law" means all contiolliug applicable cdcanl, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and <br />admiaistralivc rules and ofda's (ilia[ have tic etfect of law) as well as all applicable final, non- appealablejudiclal opinions- <br />(,) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, nsscssmcuts and other chaties that are <br />impwed on Borrower., the Property by if condominium Flora aliou, homeowners association or .sinnilar organiiation. <br />(K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" awns any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or <br />similar paper inanaatenl, which is initiated tu.ugh all electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape <br />t a9 m oudeq id,uncl, .r anlh.ri,. a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Such Icnu includes, bill is flat limited <br />to, point-of -sale Iransfcl3, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initialed by (Ceplaide. wire Irnnsfcrs, and <br />automned clearinghouse transfers. <br />(L) "Eacr.w hems" awns Ila se items That are described in Section 3. <br />(M) "Miscellaneous Prou+als" aeons any contpcnsatiml, mtticnatt award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third <br />party (oticl than ia9mr111ce proceeds paid under the coverages described ill Section 5) lon. (i) damage to, of destractiou o1'1 the <br />Property; (11) wndemuation ,, other Inking of all or any earl of the Properly; (iii) conveyance in lieu of randcumatioll; or <br />(iv) nia'cpresatlalions ol', .rromissions as lo, the value and /or condition of the Property. <br />(N) " Mortgage Insurance' nations insurance proe,ting Lcndcr against the noopaynci t of, or default on, the Loan. <br />(0) "Periodic Payment" friends (tic regularly scheduled amount one for (1) principal and interest uudcr the Note, plus <br />(ii) any amounts under Scclioil 3 ohlhis Security Left nhenl. <br />(P) "RESPA" means the Kad Estate Settlement Proce lams Act (1'2 U.S.C. §2601 ct seq.) and its iniplc Beating regulalioa, <br />Regulation X (24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be attended from tittle to tittle, or any additional or successor legislation <br />ME regulation That govenls the sonic subjccl roller. As used ill this Socurity hlstmracial, "RESPA" rcer,, to all sapticmculs <br />and restrictions that are imposed in regard to n "federally related mortgage load' even it (he Loan Flocs not qualify as it <br />"federally related mortgage loci" trader RESPA. <br />(Q) "Successor in Interest of BnrrmverIs ...coax any pony If,.( has Inkcu lit, 1. the Property, whether or not that party has <br />asmnid Bonowcr's uhl igations undef the Noe and /of this Sentrity Instrument. <br />'TRANSFER OG RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY <br />This Scent fly fi slrumcut scomes to Leader. (i) the repnynsom of tire Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of <br />the. Note; mill (it) Ihti peionnance of Borrower's covenants add agreCUheats under this Security 141SUL utmlt and the Note. For <br />this purpose, Bon'.wer incvocably grants and convoys 1. 'Trustee, iu trust, with power of sale, the following described <br />propcny Leaded is 11tc County o1' Hall - <br />TlylxofliecordinpLWsdicGOn1 tNnnic of R ... dine lonsdmuonl <br />A trail of land seated in the Sonfheasa Qumlrr of the Northwest Qeaatt of S¢lian 21.'1'own dip I1 North, Range 9 West of the fair <br />P.M -. I tall Caunty, Nehnuka more particularly descri bell ee follows. BuSi ina, at a poinl on the Santa side of An In Se, et of the City <br />it (Hand klma, Noteaska, 15 feel East at dal Well "Ill oflaoLOn Sacet extended Southerly, said paint la also, 1010 feet <br />Saalhwelto I ' I limn a point what the sold In, I, line oI Anna Stott ade/6ed9 the Ems Zinc of the Southeast Qianer of the Nurhwest <br />Q Sea T I) I I r4noll, Rings 9 West ol tile 6111 P M. force In a Sonda,,delly flacron plad I i with <br />II le wria il 11 1 nor uf Lcksut Sact as exnndsl a ad.on,, of 275 feel liters, ranfng,'ht 90 list ecT an a Sufltesterly d region <br />/3J as 'Ip 11 1 I, A- ,Q -I Oar E,tl l lyl' ftl ( exalts laosid. II olloolon, .hl 91) fhg ecs <br />'log a I'll' pa a Idle l w lh Till III I al1 won't St t a, Ill e,d(d,: dsa ms of 127 W fxiil Illeace nota 90de re, slunBtlte <br />parallel seat, the .Solid lie( of Anna .Sneer II III fiat. Ihenec.'.gIli 127 feel alnny a Ian( pmelleI wall the West Ilncof lnckmn Shat as <br />extutded to i-I saad dosore.ain latin8 a Iran of hod 12700Icut by 93101,,, <br />which cuncnlly hits the address of 1720 West Oklahoma Avenue <br />Isuq <br />Grand Island , Nebraska 68803 ("Properly Address "): <br />10ol flip Code <br />TOGETHER WITH all the impmvcnicuts now or hereafter cicclal on the properly, and all casements. appurtenances, <br />and fixtures now a he'wfler a purl of the property. All replacc neat., and additimns slall also be c.vcrcd by this Sccurily <br />Instrument. All of the forcgoing ill rcicrrcA to in this Sccurily hatrtnucnt as tire "Property ." <br />NEBRAS10A Sudd.Fanny Fannie MadFrcJJlo Mae UNUORNI 1NSTRUMLNI' Form 30281/0/ <br />.nEATIAN. III <br />ITEM 1915L?(0011) lPefe 2 of 1/Iāœ“UReal to o,derCall 1 800 5309393 0 Fax 616]91 -1131 <br />