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P <br />First Anlerican Title Insurance Company <br />.t <br />AMR]?, " <br />fte. rec.rdmg return lo: Ij <br />W.B.P. PARTNERSIIP _ __ <br />POST OFFICE BOX 540434 <br />OMAHA _ _NE_ 68154 <br />CIO RICHTER PROPERTIES INC.-- - _ <br />x D <br />m N <br />�I = <br />THIS SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECOROER'S USE. <br />F - <br />= <br />n cn <br />fte. rec.rdmg return lo: Ij <br />W.B.P. PARTNERSIIP _ __ <br />POST OFFICE BOX 540434 <br />OMAHA _ _NE_ 68154 <br />CIO RICHTER PROPERTIES INC.-- - _ <br />x D <br />m N <br />�I = <br />THIS SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECOROER'S USE. <br />200306599 <br />Rerercucc Nuniber: SIC LOAN _NO. 97081901 <br />TDC Number: 57007 - <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />7a <br />2 <br />0 <br />FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, an assumed business name of ',,yo <br />Title Insurance Company of Oregon, hereinafter Trustee, under that certain deed dated October 17 _ <br />1927, executed and delivered by W.B.P. PARTNERSHIP, A NE_BRA S_KA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP <br />as grantor <br />p�EBRASRA <br />recorded on October 30 1997, in the Mortgage Records of HALL _ _County, HFegeD, m book <br />at page or as file/reel number 97- 109105 , conveying real property situated in said <br />county described as follows: <br />Part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E7/2NE1 /4) of Section Twelve (12), in <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Section <br />line, said point being 200 feet south of the Northeast corner of said Section 12; running <br />thence west and parallel to the North section line of said Section 12, a distance of 418 <br />feet; running thence South parallel to the Fast Section line of said Section 12, a distance <br />of 228 feet; running thence east parallel to the North Section line of said Section 12, a <br />distance of 41.8 feet; running thence North on the section line of said Section 12, a <br />distance of 228 feet to the point of beginning, except for parts deeded in Deeds recorded <br />as Document No. 83- 004647 and Document No. 84 -001480 in the Register of Deeds <br />Office, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />having received from the beneficiary under said trust deed a written request to reconvey, reciting that the <br />obligation secured by said trust deed has been fully paid and performed, hereby does grant, bargain, sell <br />and convey, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied, to the person or persons legally <br />entitled thereto, all of the estate held by the undersigned in and to said described premises by virtue of <br />said trust deed. <br />DATED: April .21 2003 'f1TLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON <br />By 4. <br />S'1'Al'b' OF OREGON County of MULTNOMAH )ss. <br />The foregoing instrNent was acknowledged before me this 21 day of April_ _ 2003 , <br />by DOUGLAS E. SA ' VICE PRESIDENT <br />of Title Insurance Cud any of Oregon, a yore tr tion, <br />on behalf of the corporation. <br />Nora P iC for cegon <br />My c �mmission expires: IT oF CIA S DONNA CA N RPE1 NOTARY PUBLIC- OREGON <br />COMMISSION NO 331212 <br />OMMISSION EXPIRE S MAR. 4, 2004 <br />MEMO: <br />= <br />n cn <br />T <br />N <br />Z <br />*1 <br />'3 <br />T <br />3 <br />� n <br />N <br />� <br />v <br />W <br />W <br />to <br />200306599 <br />Rerercucc Nuniber: SIC LOAN _NO. 97081901 <br />TDC Number: 57007 - <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />7a <br />2 <br />0 <br />FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, an assumed business name of ',,yo <br />Title Insurance Company of Oregon, hereinafter Trustee, under that certain deed dated October 17 _ <br />1927, executed and delivered by W.B.P. PARTNERSHIP, A NE_BRA S_KA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP <br />as grantor <br />p�EBRASRA <br />recorded on October 30 1997, in the Mortgage Records of HALL _ _County, HFegeD, m book <br />at page or as file/reel number 97- 109105 , conveying real property situated in said <br />county described as follows: <br />Part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E7/2NE1 /4) of Section Twelve (12), in <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Section <br />line, said point being 200 feet south of the Northeast corner of said Section 12; running <br />thence west and parallel to the North section line of said Section 12, a distance of 418 <br />feet; running thence South parallel to the Fast Section line of said Section 12, a distance <br />of 228 feet; running thence east parallel to the North Section line of said Section 12, a <br />distance of 41.8 feet; running thence North on the section line of said Section 12, a <br />distance of 228 feet to the point of beginning, except for parts deeded in Deeds recorded <br />as Document No. 83- 004647 and Document No. 84 -001480 in the Register of Deeds <br />Office, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />having received from the beneficiary under said trust deed a written request to reconvey, reciting that the <br />obligation secured by said trust deed has been fully paid and performed, hereby does grant, bargain, sell <br />and convey, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied, to the person or persons legally <br />entitled thereto, all of the estate held by the undersigned in and to said described premises by virtue of <br />said trust deed. <br />DATED: April .21 2003 'f1TLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON <br />By 4. <br />S'1'Al'b' OF OREGON County of MULTNOMAH )ss. <br />The foregoing instrNent was acknowledged before me this 21 day of April_ _ 2003 , <br />by DOUGLAS E. SA ' VICE PRESIDENT <br />of Title Insurance Cud any of Oregon, a yore tr tion, <br />on behalf of the corporation. <br />Nora P iC for cegon <br />My c �mmission expires: IT oF CIA S DONNA CA N RPE1 NOTARY PUBLIC- OREGON <br />COMMISSION NO 331212 <br />OMMISSION EXPIRE S MAR. 4, 2004 <br />MEMO: <br />