COVENANTS 200306418
<br />1. Payments. Borrower agrees to make ull payments tin the s¢wd debt when doe. Unless Boorrwerand lands agree ntherwiss, any payments Lender receives train
<br />Borrower or for Borrower's benefit will be applied tint to any amounts Borrower owe, on the secured debt exclusive of unseal or p inclpa9, second m movest, and then to
<br />Principal I[pmtiul prepayment of Me secured dart oucuas f r any reason, it will not reduce or excure any scheduled pay.nent mail the scoured tlebt is paid in lull.
<br />2. Claims Against Title. Borrower will pay all uses, assessments, and other charges attributable to the property when due vad will defend title to the property, against
<br />any claims which woWd ihnpair the lien of Mrs deed of cost lender may require Bnnowa to assign any rights, claims or defenses which Burrower may have against
<br />pontes who supply labor or materials to improve or mainain the properly
<br />3. Insurance. Borrower will keep the property material antler temp acceptahle to Lander at Bnnnwa's vapane and for Lender'. heneRt All Insurance politics shall
<br />include a smnJvrd mortgage clause in favorof Lender- Lnder will be nnmeri us Inss puyw nr:. the insured on any each insurance policy. Any imumnce proceeds any be
<br />applied, within Lender's discretion, to either the restoration or repair of the damaged property or to the secured debt If Lender requires mongagc insurance, Borrower
<br />agrees to maintain such insurance for as long as Lender requires.
<br />0. Property. Harrower will keep the property in good condition and make all repairs reasonably necessary
<br />5. Espouses. BurrOwl, m,is- to coy all Lender ^s repo nos. reluthng reasonable atlomeyr' foes, if Hurrove, breaks any covenants in this decd of his, or in a, -
<br />obligalon secured by this deed of most Borrower will pay these amounts to Lander as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of trod.
<br />F. Prior Security, Interests. Unless Renewer first obtains Loader's written cmnest Borrower will nor make or permit any changes to any prior aa-ur'ty interc,o.
<br />Borrower will pedonn all of Borwer's obligvuons under any prior mongagc decd oftmst or, other secadty egret non, including Brower s,accnu ll .n make payments
<br />when duo.
<br />]. Assign all of Rents and Pfafile. Bonawo aavlgro to Lender the mats and profits of propary. Unless Beltower and Land,, has, ugrenl mbmwlso I writing..
<br />Burrower may collect and retain the rents as long as Borrower is not in default If Borrower defaults, Iender, I ender's assn or o court appointed I e,Iv,, may mkt
<br />possession and manage the property and collect the rents. Any rata Lender onelecas shall he IIi.d lush m the wars ofmanagmg the propary, including court costs and
<br />idea s' fns, commissions to rental agents, and any other necessary related expenses- The remaining amount of ran will then apply to payments on the secs 1 dell is
<br />provided in Covenant 1-
<br />B. Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrower agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease if this deed of mast is oo leasehold. If this
<br />deal of treat is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development. Borrower will cartoon all of Bannwer's fall.. under Ile wveuenLs, by laws, or regulations of
<br />the condom mum or planned unit development.
<br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Borrower. If HOrrowa' fails m derfoma, any of Bamwer s duties ands this deed of Lust, Lender may pcnbnn the duties or
<br />cause therm to be pMOrmcd. Lender may sign Bmrowud, name orpay any amount if neceamry for perfonnancc. It conswction on the pmren, is Of cnntiaoed or amt
<br />oared oa in a reasonable marmot Lender may do whatever is rmcessary m pli Lender s security interest in the property. This may include complain, We oo.earmion.
<br />Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender your exemising any of its other nghts under the law or this deed of trust.
<br />Anyamomns paid by Leader m protect Lender's nearby interest wi ll he secured by this deaf of bust Such amounts writ be due on demand and will Into interest none Ile
<br />date ofthe payment untl paid in full at interest ate in effem on Ilse secured debt
<br />Ili. DefimllnrWAecdcratima if HOrtower faire to make any payment when due or break any ..of nn under this dedaRmst nr any nhliyatim.weed as Oda deed of
<br />Inns ar tiny prior mongagc or deed of tma, Lender may accelema We nmmnp or the secured debt and demand immediate payment and rimy invoke the power at sale and
<br />any other remedies permitted by applicable law -
<br />11. Request for Notice of Default. It is hereby requa'ed Matmpla of Wenolocal Of donalt and sale besent m each pecan who is a puny berets, at Ih, address .1 each
<br />such planar. as at forth herein.
<br />12. Power of Sale. It the Lender - invokes Ire power of sale, the Tranhe shall tintread -n the office of th -g't,, ofdM I' each county haeinth ctmnp matter o-
<br />Some pan or game] thereof Is shouted II of default containing the information q - f by law- The t' move shall I. 'a'I pies of Ir nil of 111111.11 m the
<br />Dr..,, m each person who is a puny hereto. and [a other persons as press 1, handle law. Not less than one month after the Tmstee revmdx the notice of actual,
<br />or two months if due bust property is not in any incorporated city n i huge and is ruW in fanning Operations 'ed h,ybe fusion s Tombe, fill far, pubic notice of
<br />sale to the pcnons and i. the man to - pas. - had by upplicuble law I'msmc without demand n, Be awe shall sell the propary at public fa Con to he highest Edda: if
<br />requned by the Farm Homestead Pmleslien Act, Tmstee shall offer the property in two separate sole, as required by applicable law- Tmstee mny postpone ale of all or any
<br />game[ of llo property by public anammementat the time and place ofmry previously scheduled sale. Londaoritsdedgnee homy patch... the propary m any sale.
<br />Ulan receipt ofpaymart of the price bid, l'mmce shall deliver n the pu chaser Trustee's deed wnvcymg the property- The onnoials covtainal in Trustee s decd shall be
<br />prom ! f evidence of the troth of the statements contained therein. Trustee shall apply the proceed., of Me sale in the f Mowing order (s) to all expanses of the sale,
<br />including, but not limited,,, reasonable Trustee fees, reasonable mlomcy's fees and viinsmtemem feu; (b) to all sums secured by this deed of trust, and Icf tau baleuUC. if
<br />any, to the psame, legally entitled to receive it.
<br />13. Foreclosure. AtIenter's option ,this dead attrust may be toralcad in the anneal provided by applicable law for lbreclosun ofmargages on awl pmpeny.
<br />10. Inspection. Lender may enter the pmpeny to iaspect it It Lend.. gives Burrower notice lefi.mhumL The notice must slate the reasonable ease an Leaders
<br />nspection.
<br />15, Condemnation. Borrower assigns to Loader the proceeds of any award or claim far damages ci necred with a condemnation or ocher inking of Al m any curt of the
<br />pmpeny. Stich proceed, will be applied as provided in Covenant 1. This assignment is subject to the torms ofany prior securityag.aaned.
<br />Ib. Weiser. By eaenis rig y vandy ,soluble to Lc dots Under does an, g' I. ry rights w less - us, any nine comedy- By an, . law remedy upon
<br />Rnnowa s default Lander does nor waive any right to late - cn old the event a default if it happens again.
<br />V. Joint and Several Liability; Cu- signers; Successors and Assigns III nod. All duties under this dead at arej par, and several Any Bunuwer who uo -sign, this
<br />deed of cost but does not oo -sign the underlying debt astm ments(e) dues so only to grant and convey that B.—Os e.r , inteest in the property to the Trustee sad,, the terns
<br />of this decd of treat In addition, such a Burrower agrees that the Lender and any other Ban mover wader this dead of trust may ext end, modify nr make any other changes in
<br />the tam, nfth is deed of must or the swmed debt I,t hem that Borrower's roused and without fricti ng that Borrower from the leans of this deal ofvust.
<br />I duties and behalf's of In,, deed of beat shall Maul and benefit the suwesan and assigns of Lender and Harrower.
<br />18, Notice. Unions otherwise q imid by law, ,try notice or Borrower shall be given b_ delivering it or by analleag it by e al f ed mail jaliessed to plonaver as the
<br />property address munymbotmodress that Horrowa hue given m Leader R flower will give any notice to fall by cemfiad mail n, Leader 's address on pug. I of Oi s
<br />deed of trust, or to tiny other address, which Lender has designated. Any other collet m Lender shall be sent m lender', addrow i s seated on page I of Iris deed off-I
<br />Any notice shall he ch aned to have been given to Bomowa m Lender when given in the manner awted above
<br />19. '1 'rural of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Borrower. Ii'all or 1111 pmt of the pmpeny or any increea in it is sold or transferred without the Laud,.
<br />,do, written - t Lender may demand inuffeads. I r of tile sal debt Under may a[,o demand I'll no payment if the not - a 1 to '..I and
<br />t feral -merest iv the BOrtil .- Id nr to sf d. However, LLndc'mey hold d1Inen 111br eximanons ifl se.nhihital by flealhw us of the date
<br />of[his decd ofvust
<br />20. Reannve,fors . When the ohli,don secod by this dead ofeast has hem paid, and Lval has no further ' obligation to make advances mater the instruments or
<br />agreements loOmal by this deed of cost the Totes, shall, an women .rquesl by the Lrndcr, cash ... y the trues pmpeny. Tire Leads, hall deliver a Ir, Bnmiwto err m
<br />Borrower `sshecesaonninterco,the tmst deed and the rime or uWer esddence at he obligation m ab,f,,] Bonuwe, fill pay any recmdatinn roam
<br />21. Successor Trustee. Lender, at Under s option ana, m v, T[stee and up,mit a mccoNall amloca byi r arlifine, copy ofill, amonarchical oft r.. 1, re,anad
<br />by applicable low, and then. by filing the r offinsh, for record in the office ofthm dolide- - afde d C each ly a which Ir Idu,t ro,porty . or - seat, pan
<br />thereof, is situated. The successor hastes, without conveyance of the porosity, .hall su teal to all thepar e- dudes outh and, all ale of the I bell, named' n the deed of
<br />trust and of any successor buatee.
<br />