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DEED OFRECONVEYANCE S <br />(Under Nebraska Trust Deeds Act) o <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />ALBERT BENAIVDZ DIANNE BENAIVDZ JOINT AS HUSBAND AND WIFE , as TRUSTOR, <br />to KLCHAEL. F— KTVFTT _ _ - -. _ . as TRUSTEE, for the <br />benefit of CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) _ _ , as BENEFICIARY, dated 6/20/2002 <br />nr��1 �h Ofd p �p Re ister of Deeds of HALL COUNTY, Nebraska, in <br />an��'TRUM�T eil 02�bp106�41 g -_ —_.- <br />BOOK KXKKKKKxx of Mortgage Records on PAGE XXXXXXXXX , has been paid, and said <br />CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) _BENEFICIARY has requested in writing <br />that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered, m confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the written request of the <br />BENEFICIARY, _ -me u ICEIT- gnad TRUSTEE does 6y ds x przs61rs ' "ANT, ^EiL1SE, RELEASE, AND <br />RECONVEY to the person or persons entitled thereto, all the interest and estate derived M said TRUSTEE by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements, <br />and appurtenances thereunto belonging. <br />Legal Description: <br />LOT 42, BLOCK 1, DALE ROUSH SECOND SUBDIVISION, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Dated April 29, 2003 Trust <br />MICHAEL F. KIVETT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA } <br />} SS. <br />COUNTY OF DOUglas} <br />The foregoing instrument, was acknowledged before me this-29t1> _ day of April , 2noi by <br />Michael F. Kivett _ as TRUSTEE. <br />ENEflAJUDITH -State of Nebraska g _ <br />JUDITH A. SLIMM _ Notary Public <br />My Commission Expires _9— My Comm. Exp. July 3, 2..4 <br />This is m certify that the above named TRUSTER -bas been requested in writing to execute the foregoing Deed of <br />Reconveyance and his action to doing so i trmed in all res I. <br />SL:�L <br />ALBERT BBNAIVDZ <br />t e 193 oaoaz <br />NE 29536.6 4198 FRy pNC -. <br />a <br />o <br />n <br />z <br />n <br />i <br />D <br />N <br />.�•. <br />N <br />II� <br />Q <br />v� <br />3 <br />rn <br />N <br />la <br />CD <br />N <br />d <br />7+ <br />O <br />200306361 <br />DEED OFRECONVEYANCE S <br />(Under Nebraska Trust Deeds Act) o <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />ALBERT BENAIVDZ DIANNE BENAIVDZ JOINT AS HUSBAND AND WIFE , as TRUSTOR, <br />to KLCHAEL. F— KTVFTT _ _ - -. _ . as TRUSTEE, for the <br />benefit of CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) _ _ , as BENEFICIARY, dated 6/20/2002 <br />nr��1 �h Ofd p �p Re ister of Deeds of HALL COUNTY, Nebraska, in <br />an��'TRUM�T eil 02�bp106�41 g -_ —_.- <br />BOOK KXKKKKKxx of Mortgage Records on PAGE XXXXXXXXX , has been paid, and said <br />CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) _BENEFICIARY has requested in writing <br />that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered, m confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the written request of the <br />BENEFICIARY, _ -me u ICEIT- gnad TRUSTEE does 6y ds x przs61rs ' "ANT, ^EiL1SE, RELEASE, AND <br />RECONVEY to the person or persons entitled thereto, all the interest and estate derived M said TRUSTEE by or <br />through said Trust Deed in the following described premises together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements, <br />and appurtenances thereunto belonging. <br />Legal Description: <br />LOT 42, BLOCK 1, DALE ROUSH SECOND SUBDIVISION, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Dated April 29, 2003 Trust <br />MICHAEL F. KIVETT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA } <br />} SS. <br />COUNTY OF DOUglas} <br />The foregoing instrument, was acknowledged before me this-29t1> _ day of April , 2noi by <br />Michael F. Kivett _ as TRUSTEE. <br />ENEflAJUDITH -State of Nebraska g _ <br />JUDITH A. SLIMM _ Notary Public <br />My Commission Expires _9— My Comm. Exp. July 3, 2..4 <br />This is m certify that the above named TRUSTER -bas been requested in writing to execute the foregoing Deed of <br />Reconveyance and his action to doing so i trmed in all res I. <br />SL:�L <br />ALBERT BBNAIVDZ <br />t e 193 oaoaz <br />NE 29536.6 4198 FRy pNC -. <br />