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05/13/2003 14:40 1 -308- 382 -7782 GI ABSTRACT,ESCROW PAGE 06 <br />FILE: 03 -2072 <br />EXMBIT "A" <br />200306286 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast <br />T�ship Twelve (12) North, Quarter (SET /4) of Section Twenty Four (24), <br />Ter+ (10) west or the 6th p <br />being moot pa�cularly described as follows: With ref 'M, Ran County'► Nebraska, said tract <br />tilmee <br />running on an assumed. bearing of 90°00'011" w on South the line of said tSEI/4mfor or qwd a distance of <br />So.8"! feet to the actual Point of Beginning, said point being on the West line of a deeded County road <br />rlghtrof-way, thence running Northwesterly on a SMS8 foot radius curve to the leR for 95.52 <br />chord <br />f forbeu,nng N 01°04'44 W for 913.b2 feet); thence continuing N 01433 "won said <br />right of <br />feet; rheum S 889'00' w for 1140.23 <br />thence N 87°06'11" W for 454.56 feet; thence S IM M" or 1 for 3ffit thence N 07"4514" E for 204.69 feet; <br />feet; thence S 6814112" w for 88531 feet, thence S 00'0000" E for 220.00 feet to a point on the Sontbline <br />of said SEX/4, said point being 55.00 feet East from *0 Southw"t corner of said SE1 /4; thence running <br />S 4'00'00 E on the South line of said Slt1 /4 for 2534.90 feet to the point of <br />a tract of land more particularly described in Joint Tenan Begfitining, EXCEPMG <br />Document NO, 96105259 and EXCEPT'!NG a tract of land mom arranty Deed � jam. 5, � as <br />Deed filed Jame 2o, IM as Document No. 97- 104863. Particularly described in Warranty <br />Pap. a <br />'n" 80"— by Aaamaaod Me Eag0s "Mftg M& <br />03.2072 <br />