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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that... <br />ANTHONY STAAB is the grantor, and NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TRUS'P AND SAVINGS <br />ASSOCIATION is the Trustee, and FIVE POINTS BANK, A NEBRASKA CORP. is the <br />original beneficiary under that certain trust deed dated 1/14/98, and recorded <br />on 1/16/98 as lusLiument It 98100423 in Book - on Page - (I£ Re- Hecurded on as <br />W - in Bk - on Pg -), in Official Records of HALL County, NE. <br />Legal: LOT TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240) AND THE SOUTH 'PHIRTEEN AND ONE THIRD FEET <br />(13 1/3') OF LOT TWO HUNDRED THIRTY NINE (239) , IN BELMONT, AN ADDITION 'PO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, FAIL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />The undersigned, who is the present beneficiary under said trust deed desires <br />to appoint a new trustee in the plaza and stead of the original trustee named <br />above; <br />NOW THERE1,0RE, in view of the premises, the undersigned hereby appoints Wells <br />Fargo Financial National Bank, a National Banking Association, whose address is <br />5024 Parkway Plaza, NO 28213, as successor trustee under said trust deed, to <br />have all the powers of said original trustee, effective immediately. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOB', the undersigned beneficiary has executed this document. If <br />the undersigned is a corporation, it has caused its name to be signed and its <br />seal - affixed by an officer or other person only authorized to do so by its <br />board of directors. <br />Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.,, as Beneficiary <br />On March 13 2003 <br />BY <br />ChristJ�,,ng, Vice President STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF Orange <br />Ou March 13, 2003 before me, A. Gutierrez, a Notary Public in and for Orange <br />County in the State of CA, personally appeared Christina Ling, Vice President, <br />personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her <br />authorized capacity, and Chat by his /her signature on the instrument the <br />person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the <br />instrument. <br />WITNESS MY hand and ntticial seal. <br />A A. GUEIERBE2 <br />Commission k 13965]0 <br />J Notary Puhlb - California y <br />,.. <br />Orange County <br />A. Gutierrez MyComm.Expires Jan 28, 200] <br />Notary Public <br />ONLPS, 15661 Redhill Ave, Suite 200, Tustin, CA 92780 <br />(MIN#: ) 794002 COLD <br />3/14/03 <br />4/29/03 <br />B <br />NE 042 1180430 2371567 GRP3 <br />sa <br />N1 <br />� m <br />o co <br />3 <br />con <br />N <br />This instrument must be <br />recorded in: <br />HALL County, NO <br />200306222 <br />Recording Requested By: <br />W1472 WELLS FARGO HOME <br />MORTGAGF, INC. <br />When Recorded Mail To: <br />Fidelity National LPS <br />PO Box 19523 <br />Irvine, CA 92623 -9523 <br />APPOINTMENT <br />OF SUCCESSOR <br />TRUSTEE <br />Loan #: 2311567 LPS <br />4: 1180430 <br />Bin R: <br />GOLD03- <br />12 -03CN <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that... <br />ANTHONY STAAB is the grantor, and NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TRUS'P AND SAVINGS <br />ASSOCIATION is the Trustee, and FIVE POINTS BANK, A NEBRASKA CORP. is the <br />original beneficiary under that certain trust deed dated 1/14/98, and recorded <br />on 1/16/98 as lusLiument It 98100423 in Book - on Page - (I£ Re- Hecurded on as <br />W - in Bk - on Pg -), in Official Records of HALL County, NE. <br />Legal: LOT TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240) AND THE SOUTH 'PHIRTEEN AND ONE THIRD FEET <br />(13 1/3') OF LOT TWO HUNDRED THIRTY NINE (239) , IN BELMONT, AN ADDITION 'PO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, FAIL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />The undersigned, who is the present beneficiary under said trust deed desires <br />to appoint a new trustee in the plaza and stead of the original trustee named <br />above; <br />NOW THERE1,0RE, in view of the premises, the undersigned hereby appoints Wells <br />Fargo Financial National Bank, a National Banking Association, whose address is <br />5024 Parkway Plaza, NO 28213, as successor trustee under said trust deed, to <br />have all the powers of said original trustee, effective immediately. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOB', the undersigned beneficiary has executed this document. If <br />the undersigned is a corporation, it has caused its name to be signed and its <br />seal - affixed by an officer or other person only authorized to do so by its <br />board of directors. <br />Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.,, as Beneficiary <br />On March 13 2003 <br />BY <br />ChristJ�,,ng, Vice President STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF Orange <br />Ou March 13, 2003 before me, A. Gutierrez, a Notary Public in and for Orange <br />County in the State of CA, personally appeared Christina Ling, Vice President, <br />personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within <br />instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her <br />authorized capacity, and Chat by his /her signature on the instrument the <br />person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the <br />instrument. <br />WITNESS MY hand and ntticial seal. <br />A A. GUEIERBE2 <br />Commission k 13965]0 <br />J Notary Puhlb - California y <br />,.. <br />Orange County <br />A. Gutierrez MyComm.Expires Jan 28, 200] <br />Notary Public <br />ONLPS, 15661 Redhill Ave, Suite 200, Tustin, CA 92780 <br />(MIN#: ) 794002 COLD <br />3/14/03 <br />4/29/03 <br />B <br />NE 042 1180430 2371567 GRP3 <br />