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COVENANTS <br />200306201 <br />I. Payments. Borrower agrees m To ake all payment on nu, allied debt hear due Unless isolower all I.. der agree othervo., any payment, Leandornerno, firm <br />Borrow, or for Borrowers benefit will be appled first to any m t, B [h seared debt e of flat t principal, second [ omesf d (Ien to <br />principal. If Irmtlal pragarnat ofthe secured debt occurs for any reason, it will not( roves <br />or excuse any scheduled payment until the weal deln is paid in full. <br />2. Claims Agaimt' title . Borrower will pay all taxes, assessments, sad other Churgs and unable TO the areperty whar due,nd will defend title to the property against <br />any claims which would Impair the lien of This deed of tense Lender may require 9onower to assign any rights. claims or defenses which Borrower may have against <br />panes who supply labor or materials to improve or consul tile poorly <br />3. Insurance. Borrower will keep the propery insured under terms acceptable to Lun o at Bonnwers expense and for Leader `s benefit All here... lairds shall <br />include a swrWmd mortgage Clause in fever of Lend,. Laura will benamed as In,, payee or., the insured on any such insurance policy. Any insurance proceeds may be <br />applied, within Lender s discretion, to either the retonspon or repair, of the danead propetty or to the secured debt If Lender regaites nhnrgage imuance- Borrower <br />agrees to maintain such customer for as long as Lend, requires. <br />4. Property. Bartow, will keep theproperty in geed condition snit nuke off .,airs..aanmhly necessary. <br />5. Expenses. Borrower agrees to pay all Lender's spoil -, including vacation atmmeys' fees, if Bortowcr breaks any awenunts in this deed of trust or in any <br />abligation saute] by this deed of test. Bonmwer will pay these amounts le Lander as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of tense <br />6. Prior Security Interests. Vales Partner first obolrb Lender's wnnen anal Borrower will not make or permit any chungs In air, fairs recnrhr nnon", <br />Burnoose, will perform all of Borrower's obligations under any prior mortgage deed Joint or other saudry agreement, including Burrowers covenants to make payment <br />wben due. <br />7. Assignment of Rents and Profits. Borrower assigns to Under the mob and profit ar the pmpaty. Unless Bonowe and Lender have agreed otherwise in waiting. <br />Borrower may collect and retain the rents as long as Borrower is not in default, If Borrower defaults, Lender. Laura's agent or a court appointed receiver may take <br />possession and manage the property and collar the rents. Any rents Iend, calla¢ shall be applied first to the cwt of managing the property. indudiug nun costs and <br />attorneys' fees, commissions to rental agents, and any other necessary related expenses. The reanaloing amount of rents will then apply to payments on the secured debt as <br />provided in Covenant I. <br />IT. Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Development, Borrower agrees m Comply with the provisions of eny Ieco, iftho deed of cost is on Iort.hold. It this <br />deal of vas is a,, u snit in a ondominlum or a planned unit development, Borrower will pam. all of Borrower's duties under the covenant, by laws, nr regulations of <br />the condominium or plagued uNt develop nar- <br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Borrowaa If Borrow, fails to amm. any of Borrower's duties under this deed of cost Loader may perlonn (tic duties of <br />cause them to be performed. Lender may sign Borower's noun or ony any a mmrmt if necessary for performance If any construction on the property is discoup rdornot <br />Carried our in a ostensible manna, Linda may do whatever is newmry m police( lender n wen. it, incocc athe In perry. This may incude eemplaing the consuvction <br />Lender s failure to perfonn will not preclude Lender door exercising airy of its other rights under the law or this deed of <br />Any animal, paid by Looder to protect lender s wood, interest will be soured by this deed o1 cost Such amounts will be due on demand antl will bear interest fm the <br />date of the payment until paid in full at the interest rate in effect on the secured debt. <br />10. Default end Acceleration. If 9mvoca frill to make any payment when due or breaks any covenants under this decd of cos[ or any obligation scour d by this decd of <br />Trust or any print mortgage or deed of test, I n rt a may accelerate the matudry of the samrd debt and demand immediate posicat and may invoke the power of sale and <br />any rather remedies permitted by applicable law. <br />11. Request for Notice of Default. IT is hereby requested for Copies of the notices of default and sal, he ,at to each person who i, a parry hemn, at the "Id ..s.. of each <br />such person, as set forth herein. <br />11. Power of Sale, If the Leader invokes the power of sale, the I mstcc shall first asmN in the office of the register of deeds of each county wherein the coat property or <br />eta par or parcel thereof is situated s dodo, of default auction, the information rcyuired by law. The Trustee shall also mail copies of the notice of default to the <br />Bunowa, to each pasun who is o pony felon, and an other ,,sons as prescribed by applicable law. Not less than one monM after the Tool, ....cord, the.,ab,t of dell <br />or two months if the tens[ proper, is not m any incoryomtcd city or village and is used in fanning operations canned on by the tmston the l laser shall give public notice of <br />sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Bonev er shall sell the property at public auction Ira the higher bidder. If <br />required by the Fume Hmneatsd prvtection Act, Trustee shall off die property in two sepnmte sales as requlnl by applicable few. Trustee may postpone sec le of al l v, <br />panel of the property by public announcement at the time and place of any pmvmusly scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the propetty at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Twtee [hull deliver to the panhm, Trustee, deed conveying die pmpaly- The iannis coutonW in Trustee's deed shall be <br />Initial facie evidience of the tenth of the statement compared [heroin. Tanoc shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the tbllowimg order'. (a) to all espcn,e of the sale, <br />including, but not limited to, Im mastic Trustee's fees, reaennable an rl , fee, and of internal fees_ do to all sums secured by this deed of trust, and r q the balance if <br />any, to the persons legally entitled to receive it <br />13. Foreclmare. Al Lueders optioq this deed of von rimy be fanedosd in the manna punidedbyallpli,i lelawforforeclosure of mortgages an rrnlpnnpeny. <br />14. Inspection. lender may enter the property ,, inspect it if Latch fives Borrow, notice beforehand The notice must state the reasonable cause for 1xionn s <br />nspcctfon. <br />I5. eoodeasoodal loo", assigrsto Lender thepmceedsofanyawmdor Auto lbrdam,ges cottoned withacondemnatnon or otberpkingofall many parofthe <br />propany. Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Covenant. leis assignment is subject to the terns tatting poor sccanry agreement. <br />16. "uses. By exemis ng City nvnedy aw'lable to Leader, Lender dot not love ill city rights to no Isola, nth - red, By not solr,in, .my rc tail, upon <br />Borrower's default, Lender does not waive any tight to later consider the event a default if it happens again. <br />17. Join( and Several Liability; Co- signne r Snnr <essna and Aetigns Bound. All dntie under this deed of tot arc joint and sescal Any Bus too who cu -signu This <br />decd of trout but does not w -sign the underlying deb[ instrvmant(s) does so only to great and convey that Bannwcr s .mere[ in the properly to [hc Tra lti undo, the 11,11, <br />of this deed oftmso In addition, such a Borrower agrees that the Lender and any other Burrower under this deed of Iran may extend, modify or make any other Changes in <br />the tams of this deed of post or the sowed debt without that Borrower's consent and without fdssing that B oinwu Ion die toms of 0hls deed oI has( <br />The duties and benefits ofthis deed of trout shall bind and benefit the sucassms and assigns of Taster and Borrow to <br />18. Notice. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice to Borrower shall be given by dch,cnng it or by mailing it by control mail addressed to Borrower at the <br />pmpeTy arbiters or any other address that Rmrower has given m Ienda. B.. no will give any notice to Lander by certified also I to I tender's address nn page I of Ifni, <br />deal of Trust ors any other addr,o, which Lando has dsignalsl. Any "Wa nodue to Lenders hall be sOut la Lender ,addrcv' as silted on page l of this deed ofnwt. <br />Any unit, she 11 be domed a have been given to RonInovel or Lender when go. ill I n the emote soled above. <br />19. Transfer ofthe Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Borrower. [fall or any part ofthe property or any intaro in it is anld sir tmnsfuaed without the lenders <br />prim order ant, Lander any demand unnutsdime payment CCWe seoaal debt Lender nayalso demand immediate payment i fthe Bon ewer is mt a named planar and <br />r tu <br />obenefiead amerest in the Bartow, is sold or transferred However, L.cnd,may not denend payment in the above situations it it is prohibimd by federal Ins as cribs date <br />of this deed nfwst. <br />20. Reeonveyanee. When the obligation secured by this decd of bust has been paid, and Lender has no Litho obligation to make advances under The instruments or <br />agreements ents a cu al by this deed of ace, the Tmsme cal al1, upon written IaIDer by the lender,,remove. the and proven,. The Leeches shall deliver Ir the Is now u,, or to <br />Bormwer's succesonninterest, the Trust deed unit the note or other evidence of the obligation so satisfied . Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br />21. Succe,wir Tmsfee. lends,, at lenders nl may.. 'e Trustee and apt *hint, eau or trustee by first, nailing a ropy of the substitution of mi as required <br />by applicable low, it then, by filing the substitution of trustee for word in the office ofthc register of deeds of each county in which the pull property, or some part <br />thereof, is situated. The smesor tnal widem, conveyance ofthe propany, shall succoad To all the power duties awhnnry and into nffo, Trustee named to 0n deed of <br />vua and apiary successor trusted. <br />