<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the Indebtedness secured by the Dead of Trust executed by Jerry L. Schultz
<br />and Linell S. Schultz husband and wife
<br />to Bank o Doniphan, onTp an, ,Trusteemrtne
<br />bem, of an of tionipt-ian, Onlp an,
<br />the
<br />Beneficiary named therein doled July 15,. 1998 end recorded July 15, 1998 In lne office of the
<br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebra s a
<br />Inlnst. #98- 106906
<br />of file Tmat Dead Records of sold County has been paid. and said Beneficiary Iles requested In writing that the
<br />Deed of Reconveyrnce be executed and delivered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In consideration .I such payment and In accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named therein, the
<br />undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled there[. ell the
<br />Interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Dead of Trust In the following described property:
<br />See Attached Addendum A
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />DATED May 15, 2003
<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />COUNTY OF Ha I. 1 ss
<br />On this 1.5 day of May 2 003 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said
<br />state, personally appeared Jon A. Heath, Exec. Vice President, Bank of Doni Dhan
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person named In and who executed the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that he
<br />executed the some as his voluntary act and deed.
<br />Nulnry Puryllc In and for AlE 5(eb
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -Slate at NabraeW
<br />.�.„ My CNIn Eg). Old 21,2005
<br />50111Mr plsq
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<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the Indebtedness secured by the Dead of Trust executed by Jerry L. Schultz
<br />and Linell S. Schultz husband and wife
<br />to Bank o Doniphan, onTp an, ,Trusteemrtne
<br />bem, of an of tionipt-ian, Onlp an,
<br />the
<br />Beneficiary named therein doled July 15,. 1998 end recorded July 15, 1998 In lne office of the
<br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebra s a
<br />Inlnst. #98- 106906
<br />of file Tmat Dead Records of sold County has been paid. and said Beneficiary Iles requested In writing that the
<br />Deed of Reconveyrnce be executed and delivered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In consideration .I such payment and In accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named therein, the
<br />undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled there[. ell the
<br />Interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Dead of Trust In the following described property:
<br />See Attached Addendum A
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />DATED May 15, 2003
<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />COUNTY OF Ha I. 1 ss
<br />On this 1.5 day of May 2 003 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said
<br />state, personally appeared Jon A. Heath, Exec. Vice President, Bank of Doni Dhan
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person named In and who executed the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that he
<br />executed the some as his voluntary act and deed.
<br />Nulnry Puryllc In and for AlE 5(eb
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -Slate at NabraeW
<br />.�.„ My CNIn Eg). Old 21,2005
<br />50111Mr plsq
<br />