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THAT WHEREAS, an of the fndebledn ... ...bred by the Deed of Trust executed by <br />HOWARD A KLEIER, AN IINI(AE ➢TED PERSON <br />I- BANK OF TN.NT ➢VAN <br />bensAt of BANK OF DORIPHAN BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Trustee far the <br />Beneficlery named therein dated JAN 4 2000 _. the <br />sad recorded TAN 14, 2000 In the uIn.. of the <br />Register of Deeds of BALL County, _ NEBFA$RA <br />_.Innt..l 0200,jIng <br />of the ..ha peed RermNa of veld County has been geld, enJ seltl Denegclary has requested In walling that the <br />Deed of Recanreyence ba executeA and tlellvered. <br />NOW TIIEREFOflE, In consld ... Il al of such payment and In ....Idea-. with the request of the Beneficlery named Therein, the <br />undersigned es Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, rclose. and res -nvey to the person or parsons enlllletl Iherelo If the <br />Interest and ssl.le derived tc seld Trustee by or Through sold Deed of label In III- 1-11 --lag de..dbetl properly; <br />SEE EXHIBIT "An <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL b didlings, fixtures, hnprovementa and eppartenonuse belonging to each Premises. <br />OATED A➢VTT 11 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />/ 9e. <br />On thls 13TH day u! _NAY 1003 , before i.I e, It's undersigned, s N-lery Paul. In end far sold <br />stele, personally eppx ... d JON A MATp FXF VICE PRECIDpNT KepK DF 1X1N^➢pAN X 97D h NTP A LNIB <br />Tmatee, 1. me kn.wn to be the Identical person named In and who executed the loregoing Inslmmenl, and ecknewled <br />oxeculad the same e. hle voluntary act end deed. <br />Nolery bYt In enJ IPI 5el 5ie1, <br />GENERAL NRRYKSIa THMNaOA <br />TERRY K MTHMrW <br />Nl' CNINL Bm. INN. 21. mm <br />sole_uan I,,, <br />m <br />A c <br />o; <br />A <br />A Z <br />m N <br />o <br />IT <br />d <br />l <br />m <br />r a <br />v <br />2 <br />ul <br />ti <br />lD <br />Lrt <br />200306124 <br />z <br />__ Ish... <br />Rpove ml. un. For x—mma pap <br />0 <br />DEED <br />OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN RY TI IESE <br />PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, an of the fndebledn ... ...bred by the Deed of Trust executed by <br />HOWARD A KLEIER, AN IINI(AE ➢TED PERSON <br />I- BANK OF TN.NT ➢VAN <br />bensAt of BANK OF DORIPHAN BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Trustee far the <br />Beneficlery named therein dated JAN 4 2000 _. the <br />sad recorded TAN 14, 2000 In the uIn.. of the <br />Register of Deeds of BALL County, _ NEBFA$RA <br />_.Innt..l 0200,jIng <br />of the ..ha peed RermNa of veld County has been geld, enJ seltl Denegclary has requested In walling that the <br />Deed of Recanreyence ba executeA and tlellvered. <br />NOW TIIEREFOflE, In consld ... Il al of such payment and In ....Idea-. with the request of the Beneficlery named Therein, the <br />undersigned es Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, rclose. and res -nvey to the person or parsons enlllletl Iherelo If the <br />Interest and ssl.le derived tc seld Trustee by or Through sold Deed of label In III- 1-11 --lag de..dbetl properly; <br />SEE EXHIBIT "An <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL b didlings, fixtures, hnprovementa and eppartenonuse belonging to each Premises. <br />OATED A➢VTT 11 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />/ 9e. <br />On thls 13TH day u! _NAY 1003 , before i.I e, It's undersigned, s N-lery Paul. In end far sold <br />stele, personally eppx ... d JON A MATp FXF VICE PRECIDpNT KepK DF 1X1N^➢pAN X 97D h NTP A LNIB <br />Tmatee, 1. me kn.wn to be the Identical person named In and who executed the loregoing Inslmmenl, and ecknewled <br />oxeculad the same e. hle voluntary act end deed. <br />Nolery bYt In enJ IPI 5el 5ie1, <br />GENERAL NRRYKSIa THMNaOA <br />TERRY K MTHMrW <br />Nl' CNINL Bm. INN. 21. mm <br />sole_uan I,,, <br />