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2 <br />EXHIBIT "Art. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW}) of Section Twenty Three <br />(23), Township. Twelve (12) Korth, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, as follows: <br />Beginning tit the so6t_hwest corner of said Northwest Quarter. (NW}.); thence N 90° 00' 00" <br />E (assumed bearing), along and upon the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NWJ), a <br />distance of One Thousand Three hundred Sixty Two and Three Hundredths (1,362.03) feet; <br />thence N 46° 04' 5 9" E a distance of Six Hundred Fourteen and Seventy Six Hundredths <br />(614.76) feet; thence N 810 53' 40" E a distance of One Hundred Fifty Five and Eighty <br />Six hundredths (155.86) feet; thence N 89° 25' 30" E a distance of Fifty Two and Twenty <br />Five Hundredths (52..25) feet; thence N 010 40' 43" E a distance of One Hundred Eighty <br />Eight and Eighty One Hundredths (188.81) feet; thence N 510 19' 21" E a distance of Sixty <br />Two and Ninety Four Hundredths (62.94) feet; thence N 01° 43' 51" E a distance of Nine <br />and Two Tenths (9.2) feet; thence S 89° 54' 34 ", E a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Two <br />and Twenty Nine Hundredths (332.29) feet; thence N 00° 39' 56" W a distance of Two <br />Hundred Sixty One and Seventy Six Hundredths (261.76) feet; thence S 89° 25' 48" W a <br />distance of One Thousand Twenty Two and Twenty Five Hundredths (1,022.25) feet; thence <br />S 02° 18' .22" W a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Five and Ninety Three Hundredths <br />(495.93) feet; thence S 880 03' 41" E a distance of Four Hundred and Eleven Hundredths <br />(400.11) feet; thence S 46° 04' 59" W a distance of Five Hundred Sixty Three and Ninety <br />Three Hundredths (563.93) feet to a point, Thirty Seven (37.0) feet north of (measured <br />perpendicularly distant to) the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW}); thence S 90° <br />00' 00" W, parallel with the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW}), a distance of <br />One Thousand Three Hundred Forty Seven and Sixty Three hundredths (1,347.63) feet to a <br />point on the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW,},) ; thence S 000 07' 19" W, along <br />and upon the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW}), a distance of Thirty Seven (37.0) <br />feet to the point of beginning <br />