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THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />Cure; A. nrampg F Arnoke R Craves- Husband k Wlfe , Truster, to <br />Heritage Bank Trustee, for the benefit <br />Of Heritage Bank , the Beneficiary named herein, <br />dated October 24 2002 and recorded November 14 , 2002 in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall , County, Nebraska as <br />Document No. 020o212s74 has been paid, and said Beneficiary has been requested <br />in writing this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by its <br />endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request <br />of the Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Tmstce does by these presents, grant, <br />remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled there to all the interest and <br />estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Decd in the following described <br />premised but only as to such premises :Lot one (1) , Brooke and Corey Subdivision Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging <br />to such premises. <br />TRUSTEE: Heritage Bank <br />DATED: May 13. 2003 ('2m+/ C°- "'J /,-r2 <br />William E. Lueh President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />}SS: <br />COUNTY OF H 11 <br />Befo''r //e, me, a Notary Public qualified in said County, pen,o�nally cane_qJ k- �a o I-, <br />:7.l,IL'GLk ��/fPo e of <br />a. corporation known to me to be the same and identical person who signed the <br />foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary <br />act and deed of said corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by <br />its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notortal Seal of O lay <br />`�'l0 N1�Ll � � di°�.YIOi9 <br />6EMFAIiI VAM- flrNNlh� Notary Public <br />BRENDA S. CDDNBN <br />V4 Cmm Bp.0lt L7A01 <br />r <br />S <br />y <br />2 N <br />1 <br />CD <br />1 N <br />W <br />rr <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />200306068 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY <br />THESE <br />PROCEDURES: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />Cure; A. nrampg F Arnoke R Craves- Husband k Wlfe , Truster, to <br />Heritage Bank Trustee, for the benefit <br />Of Heritage Bank , the Beneficiary named herein, <br />dated October 24 2002 and recorded November 14 , 2002 in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall , County, Nebraska as <br />Document No. 020o212s74 has been paid, and said Beneficiary has been requested <br />in writing this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by its <br />endorsement below: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request <br />of the Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Tmstce does by these presents, grant, <br />remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled there to all the interest and <br />estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Decd in the following described <br />premised but only as to such premises :Lot one (1) , Brooke and Corey Subdivision Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging <br />to such premises. <br />TRUSTEE: Heritage Bank <br />DATED: May 13. 2003 ('2m+/ C°- "'J /,-r2 <br />William E. Lueh President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />}SS: <br />COUNTY OF H 11 <br />Befo''r //e, me, a Notary Public qualified in said County, pen,o�nally cane_qJ k- �a o I-, <br />:7.l,IL'GLk ��/fPo e of <br />a. corporation known to me to be the same and identical person who signed the <br />foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary <br />act and deed of said corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by <br />its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notortal Seal of O lay <br />`�'l0 N1�Ll � � di°�.YIOi9 <br />6EMFAIiI VAM- flrNNlh� Notary Public <br />BRENDA S. CDDNBN <br />V4 Cmm Bp.0lt L7A01 <br />