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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That whereas all the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />MSS FARMS, INC. ,A NEBRASKA CORPORATION _ _ ;.A <br />to UNITED NEBRASKA BANK, --= <br />BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA, as TRUSTEE, dated April 9, 1993 , and recorded <br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall _ County, Nebraska, in Book #93- 102858 <br />Page(s) ----- has been paid. <br />NOW, TIfFREFORE, in consideration of said payment and of the surrender of said <br />Trust Deed and Note secured thereby for cancellation, and in accordance with the request <br />of the BENEFICIARY named therein, the undersigned TRUSTEE., does by these <br />presents GRANT, REMISE, RELEASE AND RECONVEY to <br />MJS FARMS, _INC. A NEBRASKA CORPORATION <br />ayt jMiraictytrmys> �hc�pcszNat xxtt szvt vviFtu�wglvtW `aRasttt�ix�ffiKafili3§, all the inter[ <br />and estate derived to said TRUSTEE by or through said'Prust Deed in the following <br />described promises: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW}) of Section 33, Township 11 North, Range <br />11 West of the 6th P.M.; subject to all easements and right—of—way <br />of record including any reserved oil, gas or mineral rights, <br />County. Nebraska. <br />including all buildings, improvements, fixtures and accessories now or hereafter thereon, <br />and all easements and right -of -ways now or hereafter used in connection with said <br />premises, and all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title and interest, Including <br />a waiver of all dower and homestead therein_ <br />Dated this 12 day of May , 20 03 <br />UNITED NEB SKA BANK, BROKEN BOW <br />BY _ - -- <br />an jelinck, Br. President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss <br />CQifNTY OF CUSTER_ _ ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May 12th <br />20 03, by Dan jelinek, Br. President of the United Nebraska Bank, Broken BOW, <br />Nebraska, a Nebraska Cnrporation, on behalrof the Corporation. <br />Notary Public <br />SEAL'. q GENERAL NOTARKSIale of Nebraska <br />I'i1 CORINNE ANUREASEN <br />My Pomm Exp. Oet. 5, 2004 <br />n <br />x <br />G <br />m X <br />� <br />o <br />^ <br />U <br />O <br />Y1 <br />n� <br />" <br />3 <br />T <br />O <br />m <br />N <br />Z3 <br />r n <br />o, <br />2 <br />v <br />� � <br />OJ <br />m <br />O Z <br />200306060 <br />DEED OFRECONVEYANCE <br />N <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That whereas all the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by <br />MSS FARMS, INC. ,A NEBRASKA CORPORATION _ _ ;.A <br />to UNITED NEBRASKA BANK, --= <br />BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA, as TRUSTEE, dated April 9, 1993 , and recorded <br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall _ County, Nebraska, in Book #93- 102858 <br />Page(s) ----- has been paid. <br />NOW, TIfFREFORE, in consideration of said payment and of the surrender of said <br />Trust Deed and Note secured thereby for cancellation, and in accordance with the request <br />of the BENEFICIARY named therein, the undersigned TRUSTEE., does by these <br />presents GRANT, REMISE, RELEASE AND RECONVEY to <br />MJS FARMS, _INC. A NEBRASKA CORPORATION <br />ayt jMiraictytrmys> �hc�pcszNat xxtt szvt vviFtu�wglvtW `aRasttt�ix�ffiKafili3§, all the inter[ <br />and estate derived to said TRUSTEE by or through said'Prust Deed in the following <br />described promises: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW}) of Section 33, Township 11 North, Range <br />11 West of the 6th P.M.; subject to all easements and right—of—way <br />of record including any reserved oil, gas or mineral rights, <br />County. Nebraska. <br />including all buildings, improvements, fixtures and accessories now or hereafter thereon, <br />and all easements and right -of -ways now or hereafter used in connection with said <br />premises, and all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title and interest, Including <br />a waiver of all dower and homestead therein_ <br />Dated this 12 day of May , 20 03 <br />UNITED NEB SKA BANK, BROKEN BOW <br />BY _ - -- <br />an jelinck, Br. President <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss <br />CQifNTY OF CUSTER_ _ ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May 12th <br />20 03, by Dan jelinek, Br. President of the United Nebraska Bank, Broken BOW, <br />Nebraska, a Nebraska Cnrporation, on behalrof the Corporation. <br />Notary Public <br />SEAL'. q GENERAL NOTARKSIale of Nebraska <br />I'i1 CORINNE ANUREASEN <br />My Pomm Exp. Oet. 5, 2004 <br />