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FILE: 03 -2000 <br />EXHIBIT "W <br />200306048 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township <br />Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th F.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1 /4), said point being Forty Five (45.0) feet north of the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SEI /4), said point on the northerly right a way line of One -R Road; thence running northerly, along <br />and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of One Thousand Forty Two and <br />Forty Eight Hundredths (1,242.48) feet; thence deflecting left 80°33'15" and running westerly, a distance <br />of Two Hundred Nine and Thirty Eight Hundredths (20938) feet; thence deflecting right 17°33'50" and <br />running northwesterly, a distance of Two Hundred Two and Thirty Seven Hundredths (20237) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 04 °55'20" and running northwesterly, a distance of Two Hundred Thirteen and Forty <br />One Hundredths (213.41) feet; thence deflecting left 115°35138" and running southerly, a distance of One <br />Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and Seventy Sic Hundredths (1,450.76) feet to a point on said northerly <br />right of way line of One -R Road, said point being Forty Five (45.0) feet north of (measured perpendicular <br />to) the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SW1 /4); thence deflecting left 86 °23'01" and running <br />easterly, along and upon said northerly right of way line on One -R Road, a distance of Four Hundred <br />Ninety Five and Eighty Six Hundredths (495.86) feet to the point of beginning. <br />fto. PoT,9°IMaM1 LtTN°TipC aql E°tlh 9a°I[esIK. 1900. >OO.IRH °}2°pp/ <br />