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MAY -12 -2003 04:54 PM MILNER NEUHAUS .I1,➢ ➢5 3083824521 <br />200305984 <br />RELEASE OF CONSTRUCTION LIEN <br />The undersigned, THOMAS MIDDLETON, for valuable consideration does hereby <br />reloads, waive and relinquish all liens or claims of liens that the undersigned has or that the <br />undersigned may hereafter have, upon the certain tract of land, and all building thereon <br />standing, situated in Grand Island Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly bonded and <br />described as follows: <br />Lot 3, Block 2, Crane Valley Subdivlsiow,, and <br />Also known as: 810 North Diers Ave, Grmid1sland,, Nebraska <br />Lots I and 2, Crane Valley Fifth Subdivision, all in the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />Also known as: 724 North Diets Ave, Grand Islarul Nebraska <br />and does hereby release and discharge the ConstrUCtiml Lien 91ed and recorded with <br />the Hall County Register of Deeds and recorded as document number 0200303299 on <br />March 20, 2003. <br />DATED this _L�_ day of May, 2003. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)SS. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />Subscribed and swum to before me this / day of May, 2003. <br />COMMISSION SEAL: <br />GENERAL NOTARY -Sete 0f N¢ 111 <br />III SUSAN STARMAN Nam. Public <br />ay Comm Iq. July 23, 2004 <br />P.01 <br />