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200305976 <br />SECRETARY CERTIFICATION <br />1, Ann E. Hovis, Assistant Secretary of Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, National Association, a national banking <br />association organized under the laws of the United States of America (the `Bank "), hereby certify that <br />1. The following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bank at a meeting thereof <br />held on July 16, 1996, and that said resolution has not been amended or revoked and remains in full <br />force and effect on the date hcrcof: <br />RESOLVED that instruments, documents, or agreements relating to or affecting the property or <br />business and affairs of this Bank, or of this Bank when acting in any representative or fiduciary <br />capacity, may be executed in its name, with or without its corporate seal, by the persons hereinafter <br />designated. <br />For the purposes of this resolution, `Executive Officer' shall mean any person specifically designated <br />as an Executive Officer of this Bank by resolution of the Board of Directors, and "Signing Officer' <br />shall mean the Chairman of the Board, the President, any Vice President (including any Executive Vice <br />President or any Senior Vice President), the Cashier, the Controller, any Office President, any <br />Managing Officer, any Assistant Vice President, Assistant Cashier, any functional title which includes <br />the word "Officer" (e.g., Commercial Banking Officer, Personal Banking Offccr, Trust Officer), or any <br />other functional title hereinafter designated by the Board of Directors as an officer of the Bank. <br />. +x <br />Any Signing Officer, acting alone, may execute: <br />a. Assignments of mortgages, releases or satisfactions of mortgages, certificates of <br />redemption, assignments of sheriffs certificates, trust deeds, and declarations of trust <br />b. Transfers and assignments of stocks, bonds or other securities <br />e. Receipts for any money or property paid or delivered to this Bank <br />h. Checks, drafts, cashier's checks, money orders, certificates of deposit, savings <br />certificates, and other similar obligations of this Bank <br />j. Tax returns and related instruments <br />k. Guaranties of the signatures of customers, or other signatures, whether appearing as <br />endorsements of bonds, certificates of stock, other securities, or otherwise <br />p. Deeds, leases, assignments and conveyances of any real or personal property held by <br />the Bank in any representative or fiduciary capacity, or any interest therein <br />q. Trust indentures, declarations of trust and trust and agency agreements, acceptances <br />thereof and consents thereto, and any similar documents however denominated: <br />petitions for the appointment or the confirmation of appointment of this Bank in any <br />representative or fiduciary capacity; certificates of assets held in any account of this <br />Bank; certificates of authentication with respect to bonds, notes debentures, and other <br />obligations issued under corporate mortgages, trust agreements and other indentures; <br />certificates for securities deposited, interim certificates and other certificates for and <br />on behalf of the Bank as depository or agent; countersignatures of bonds, notes. <br />certificates of stock, voting trust certificates or participation certificates on behalf of <br />this Bank as transfer agent or registrar, certificates of cancellation and cremation of <br />stocks, bonds or other securities; certificates of incumbency of trustee: and <br />resignations of this Bank in any representative or fiduciary capacity <br />r. Certificates of records, confirmations, and affidavits <br />