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200305844 <br />school. <br />(6) Christmas vacation which will include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New <br />Year's Day, is approximately two weeks in length. Each party shall have the <br />children one -half of the Christmas holiday, with each of the parties to have the <br />children for either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day as the parties may agree. If the <br />parties cannot agree, in odd- numbered years the father will have the children on <br />Christmas Eve and the mother will have the children on Christmas Day. In even - <br />numbered years, the mother will have the children on Christmas Eve and the father <br />will have the children on Christmas Day. <br />This holiday visitation schedule shall supersede the regular weekend visitation schedule. The <br />regular weekend visitation schedule will continue with the parent who did not have the children on <br />the previous holiday and continue on from that point, alternating between the parents every other <br />weekend. <br />- - - 3.. The petitioner shall pay to the Clerk of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, for <br />the support of the minor children the sum of $95.80 when there are two children and $61.54 when <br />there is one child (see attached Worksheets). Said child support shall commence on the Ist day of <br />September, 2000, and shall continue thereafter on the first day of each and every month until the <br />respective child reaches the age of 19 years, becomes emancipated, becomes self - supporting, <br />marries, or dies, or until further order of this Court. Petitioner shall claim the motor child Aaron <br />as an exemption for tax purposes and respondent shall . claim the minor child McKensie as an <br />exemption for tax purposes. <br />4. The petitioner shall maintain health insurance on the minor child, and each party shall pay <br />one -half of any unreimbursed medical, dental, optical, and orthodontia expenses. <br />5. The petitioner's obligation to pay child support shall be subject to income withholding. <br />The petitioner shall immediately prepare a Notice to Withhold Income and deliver said Notice to the <br />-5- <br />
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