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200305785 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF HALT. <br />AFFIDAVIT <br />Richard A. Johnson, Douglas Johnson, Dana Keck, and Deborah Jo Johnson, being <br />first duly sworn, depose and state: <br />1. That Affiants are the children of Lucille J. Johnson, deceased; it having been <br />five years and eleven months since the death of the Decedent, as evidenced bythe Death Certificate <br />included herewith. <br />2. That Affiants claim interest in the following described real estate, to -wit: <br />An undivided one -half interest in and to Lot 5, EXCEPT the Southerly 78.47 feet <br />thereof, Block 128, Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to the City of Hall County, <br />Nebraska; <br />and are entitled to such real estate by reason of intestate succession and no other person has any right <br />or claim to the Decedent's interest in the property. <br />3. That Decedent acquired interest in the above described real estate by virtue of <br />a Warranty Deed dated Apri l 8, 1993 and recorded as Instrument No. 93 -103 721 in the Hall County <br />Register of Deeds. <br />4. That Afliants has made diligent investigation and are unable to determine any <br />subsequent Will. <br />5. That the total assessed value of the property at the time ofthe Decedent's death <br />in 1997 was $41,931.00 and Decedent's one -half interest in said property would therefore not exceed <br />$25,000.00. <br />6. That no application or petition for appointment of a personal representative is <br />pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. <br />That the Decedent's entire estate is valued at $20,965.50. <br />S. That Affiants affirm that all statements made herein are true and material and <br />further acknowledges that any false statement made herein subjects Affiants to penalties arising <br />under Neb. Rev. Stat. §28 -915. <br />FURTHER AFFIANTS SAYETH NOT. <br />Dated this I_ day of A' , 2003. <br />