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COVENANTS 200305693 <br />1. Payments. Bonowc, agree, as make all paynmms no the secured debt when due. Unless Balloter and Lender agree otherwise, any par ems Laurier le s <br />Bmaway, or for Bmrrnver's benefit will be applied first to any amounts Borrower owe, on the secured debt exclusive afiatereA ur pnnupul, second to Intense. and then to <br />principal. Ifpmhal prepayment ofthe secured debt occurs far, airy lesson, It will not reduce or excuse any scheduled payment until the treated debt Is paid In unit. <br />2. Claims Against Title. Borrower will pay all laves,... o m ots, and other charges mnibutable to the pruperty when due and will defend till, m m, property pion sl <br />any claims which would impor the lien of this deed of loo, Lender may require Borrower to aspirin any rights, claims or defenses which Borrower may have against <br />parties who supply labor or mamrials to improve OF mitmain Ilse entrains <br />3. 1 ...... no. Borrower will keep the Elopes, insured under terms acceptable to Lender at Borrower's expense and for Lenders benefit. All insurance politics shall <br />Include a standard mortgage douse in favor of Lender. Lender will be primed as loss payee or as the iemued on any such insurance ryhfar, Any inmmoce pmtxIf. nm. be <br />applied, within Lenders discretion. to either the restoration or repair of the damaged property or m me restated debt If Lender requires mor,lure Insnrom e, Borrower <br />agrees to Inuianain sad, insurance for as Ian, as Lender pictures. <br />J. Panperry. Borrowcrwill keep the property is good emalition and make ill regain temuoabey nm...Los. <br />5. Expenses. Burrower agrees to pay all Leader's expenses, including reasonable mmmeyF fees, If Borrower breaks any covenants in this decd of mat or in TO <br />Obligation sacredly this decd of naet Burrower will pay these ant ants to Lander es provided in Covenant 9 ofihis deed of trust. <br />6. Prior Security [interests. Unless Borrower first aMain. Lander', winter ...test, Borrower will not make or permit my changes to any prior security ialnrests <br />Borrowenvll perform all of Borrower'sobgmimhe uaWe, may prior mortgage, deed of hinter ocher reamity ngreammL ndud'n>e Borrower's covenants In auk, pa)naenls <br />when due <br />]. Assignment of Rents and Profits. Burrower assigns to Lender the,mts and profits ofthe property. Unless Borrower and Izader hav, agreed nihemise in x, his <br />Hanover may copper and retain the rents as long as Borrower is not in dcfaWL If Borrower defaults, Lender, Lenders agent, or a court appointed reeeicer may take <br />Possession sad Total the progeny sod miler the rents. Any ants Lender enllects shall be applied first to the casts of managing the property_ Including roan cons and <br />attorneys' fees, commissions to rental agents, and nit, umer neuessmy The remaining amount of tents will then apply to payments an Ihc seemed debt as <br />provided in fps m.nt I. <br />S. Lenseholdu C ndominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrower agrees to comply with the moilsioup, of any lease if this deed of trust is on leasehold, If this <br />deed of trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties under the covenants, by tans, or regulaaloro, nl' <br />the condominium or planned unit Uevelup real. <br />Y. Authority of Leader to Perform far Rnrrnwer. If Borrower Nils to perform, any of Borrower's duties under this deed of trust, Lender nay PcHdrnr Ihc dater or <br />cause them to be performed. Lender may sign Borrower `s name or pay mr, mount if necessary for per foninive If any construction on the pmprdy 'a do"Ortoed or net <br />carrier] on In a reasonable manner, Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender s security interest in the property . this may include completing Nc untli ntmn. <br />Lender s failure to perform will not preclude Lender from e.erulsing may of its other n,fiv under the law or this decd of bust <br />Any amounts paid by Lender to protect lender's security Interest will he secured by this deed of host Such amounts will be due on demand and will bear Inmrcr film the <br />date of payment until paid in full tit We mtemst rote i. effect ore the secured debt. <br />10. Detaultmhd ACaleratinn.IfB.,nrwer fails to make any payment when due or breaks any covenants trader this decd of trust or any obligation secured by Ibis(kcd of <br />trust or any prior mortgage or deed altruist Lender now accelerate the maturity oiice secured debt and demand Immediate pas ant and n woke the pn a of,r( sad <br />any other remedies permitted by STImable law. <br />I L Heartiest far Notice of DeBuIL It is Touchy requested fleas, 'none file nor es nfdefanil and cape be sou To each pr, nn who is a pan, herd., at the address ofrach <br />such parson, as set forth herein, <br />12. Power of Sale If da Lender invokes the power of sole, the Trustee shall first record In the office ofthe register of deeds of cart, county wherein the mist Inofely or <br />some part or parcel thereof is situated a notice of dcfanit containing the information required by low. 'Ihc buster shall also mail topics of the notice of default to the <br />Boone,, toea,?,III who ie a patty hereto, and to other persons as prescribed by applicable law . Not less them one month alter the Trustee rcc.pds the nneice of ddhnit. <br />or my muntha if the trust pmpeny is not in.ny Inmryomted city or vilmge end is used in famhin, operations coned an by the tmstet the I I over shall ease public notice of <br />sale I. the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 'I hastec, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the property at public auction to the Lionel hl Adel. R <br />,,aned ev me From Homeste.d Protection Act, Inhstee shall offer the protons in two separate sate, as agoircd by applicable low imstec may poslpnnr sale o(rall m ;.a <br />pared ofthe Tragedy by public announcement at the tittle mid place ofmp previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase are progeny ac re, .mlc. <br />Upon receipt of payment of We price bid, Trustee shell deliver to the puabm.r T ... mr, , dead mrveyu, the property. The urinals cI I red In l 'I'll" I d1rd Ill al he <br />prima fociy evidience ofthe truth of the statements contained barely Trustee shall apply the proceeds Of the sale in the folowin, order (f) m of ospon,a, of ILL ,Ill <br />nehdlag, but I handed to., permanent Trustee s kin.ronible attranne, .sfers.,d ei It rent fees.(b)1.1lIran' le'llord hodsd1W It too all W Iha 111Irl;:,I <br />any, to the persons legally entitled to receive it. <br />U. Foreclosure, AtIunder S option, Ihls deed oflrua may be foreclosed in the rummer provided by applicable law for fo— lltuuaof uortgh_ as recd prnp.m. <br />10. Iaspeetion. I goddi note enter the property to inspect it if Lender gives Borrnwur notice beforehand_ The notice oust state Iha mcxmahk aces, do Iendar t <br />inspection. <br />I5. Candmnnrinn. Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for demands connoted with a con le,polinn or ),fair mklng .fall a .rep- pmt of the <br />property. Such proceeds will I appliede, provided In Covenant L Losessignment is subject Iodine hours Of priorsacunty igreement. <br />16. Waiver. By cxardsom any remedy available to lender, leader does notgive up any ri pas to later use any tither real Iii nm csris sr, as word+ upon <br />Harrower', default. Lender due, nil waive any ill to Irer consider tam event u demrill if II happens again. <br />19. Joint end Several Liability; Co-signers; Sir cussors fail Assigns Ronad. All duties under this deed of teal mejoiut and seocml_ An. Buuowur to too eIn, <br />deed oftrusl but does nol co -sign the underlying debt instrumentsh) does so only to grant and convey that Borrowers interest in the profane to the'fnmce under Ihc Icons <br />,Hits deed ethical In addition, inch n Rnrrnwer agrcvs IM1at the I ruder and say rher, Borrower trader this deed of trust play etly 1, pool oh nick, a olhur shorter, as <br />the tams of this decd effusion Be secured debt s afinat Wet Burrower, cunsc It and without releasing that Borrower Gum the moment this decd of pool <br />the forestal be iebt, ofWL dud a trust shall bind sod intrepidity srv,r,r , and ... go, ofLendra and B ... Over <br />18. Native. (unless liberalist required by law, any notice to Borrower shall he given fir, delivering it or by mailing it by reafted moil ,ddicsscd to kro-vcr m Iha <br />property address or any other address that Borrower Imp give,, to Lender. Burrower will give any notice to Lender by ecrtrlied rail in Lenders address on pace I of ilt, <br />deedoftrua, mining mheraddresvwhich Landerhas designated. Any other notice to Lender shall be tear to Lender's address as slated nn pave l of bk iced ofbust. <br />Any notice shall be deemed to have been given to Harrower or Lender when given in the manner stated above. <br />19. ' of the Properly or a Beneficial Interest is Ilan Burrower. If all or any pat( of the pruperty ur any intele,I in it I,,.I it or transferred without Ilse I zndcr'z <br />prior written consent, Lender may demand Immediate gaymcnl of the secured debt. Lender may also demand Immediate payment Bill, Borrower to not I mmaral pmv)o and <br />a beneficial interest in the Rnrrnwer is 'old or transferred. However, Lender may not demand paymem'n the above situations .1 it ) mhmlt'd b. fdmal law In if dace <br />ofthis deed ofnust. <br />20. Rees When Me obligation secured by this deed ofmaf has been paid. and Lender Las no further obligation to anatw advaao undue thin lustruumam'I <br />agreements sec fired eby this deed Oftrust, The msee shall, upon written request by the Lender, mconvey the trust progcrpy. the Lender shall dN'ncr ,, Ill, Ilcrm„a_ or t <br />Borrower's successor in interest, flit trust deed and the note or ther evidence ofthe obligation so sadsfied. Borrower shall pay any ur— ladnu ot, <br />21. Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender s option, may remove 'Iinvest and appoint a successor trustee by fir,,maulingaa.,,.ftho amaiwti.n of lmstm is aogr",I <br />byappli'dr, lre, and Ihee by film, the substitution ofwage for record to the nI i,w.fthe mister ofdeeds ofeach Or is I a which Ihc bust pngmaq. or sane p,an <br />thereof, n 4tiercl, The successor I ... We, raloya :or,, once of lire property. shall ...aced m all Ihc III duties, acdmnty end title of the rusde wnwd In Iho dean aI <br />tray and of any sm cyAr, trustee. <br />