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After Recording Return To: <br />PEELE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION <br />ASSIGNMENT JOB #90822 <br />P.O BOX 30014 <br />RENO, NV. 89520 -3014 <br />(775) 827 -9600 <br />PREPARED BY 200305657 <br />HOMEOWNERS LOAN CORP. <br />4501 CIRCLE 75 PARKWAY, STE F6300 <br />ATLANTA, GA 30339 <br />ii <br />Case No. :('{ t`r+!' <br />Loan No. 3565208 g�o.OR(Y <br />NOTE: After having been recorded, this assignment should be kept with the Note and Deed of Trust hereby assigned. <br />Assignment of Deed of Trust <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), cash in hand paid and for other good and valuable <br />consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of all of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned Assignor, hereby grants, <br />assigns and transfers to JI"Morgen Chase Bank as Trustee, do Residential Funding <br />CCfpa:a ;m, 2355 North Oatafio, Cuite 4^0, Surbank, CA 91504 - 3199 <br />all beneficial interest under that certain Deed of Trust dated MAY 16, 2002 <br />executedby JERRY GRANTHAM AND CHERYL GRANTHAM, HUSBAND AND WIFE ** <br />to PREMIER TITLE OF INDIANAPOLIS <br />D,�it Zoo) 05577 Ir¢c -JM /-I a/ 241, aoo�l <br />and securing a note in the sum of $ 47,500.00 and recorded in Book <br />in the office of the Chancery Clerk of <br />HALL C, o,n +/ r A/F �9"y, describing land therein as: <br />Borrower; <br />Trustee; <br />at Page <br />SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" <br />* *EXECUTED BY THE SPOUSE TO SUBJECT THIER HOMESTEAD INTEREST IN THE <br />PREMISES TO THIS MORTGAGE. <br />TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described and secured thereby, the money due and to become due thereon, with <br />interest, mud all rights seemed or to aoeme under said Deed of Trust including the right to have reconveyed, in whole or in <br />part the real property described therein. <br />Dated: /� <br />HOMEOWNERS <br />(There is no Corporate Seal) <br />PRESIDENT <br />�j /�_ (ACKNOWLEDGMENT': FOR CORPORATION) <br />STATE OF `-G n ) <br />SS: <br />COUNTY OF U D19 ) <br />Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority in and for the state and county on <br />MAY 16, 2002 the aforesaid JOHNNIE SANFORD <br />who acknowledged that (s)he is ASST. VICE PRESIDENT of Assignor, slid that (s)he signed <br />executed, sealed and delivered the above and foregoing instrument of writing on the day and year therein mentioned, as and <br />for dr ' unt act and deed and as and for the voluntary act and deed of Assignor, they having been first duly authorized <br />to a for an n. <br />Newry <br />1r, 2M a] this day of <br />Signature: <br />(ReservM for offlclal seal) 0*1 <br />Name (typed or printed) <br />My Commission Expires: <br />MPAPsICN <br />