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Agreement made the 29 day of APRIL , 2003, between MICHAEL G. HARGENS <br />AND KATHERINE A. HARGENS, Husband and Wife, of 4360 Sherwood Rd, Grand Island, <br />Hall County, State of Nebraska, herein referred to as trustor, and The Equitable Building and <br />Loan Association of Grand Island, now known as Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand <br />Island, of 113 N. Locust, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, herein referred to as beneficiary. <br />The parties recite and declare that: <br />a. Trustor executed a trust deed on January 28, 2000, in favor of beneficiary, which was <br />recorded on February 3, 2000, in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Hall County, State of <br />Nebraska, as Document No. 200000974 covering the following described property (as defined in <br />Neb. Rev. State. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />LOT ONE (1), BISHOP HEIGHTS SUBDMSION, BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE <br />NORTHWEST QUARTER (SW % NW %) OF SECTION ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, <br />RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6T' P^ HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />b. The above mentioned trust deed was given as security for Loan, described in such <br />trust deed, in the original amount of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five and 501100 - -- <br />($11,565.50) Dollars, executed on January 28, 2000, by trustor in favor of beneficiary. <br />c. Trustor desires to obtain a loan in the amount of Sixty -Five Thousand and No /100 <br />($65,000.00) from EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, 113 -115 <br />N. Locust St., City of Grand Island, County of Hall, State of Nebraska, herein referred to as <br />lender, but lender requires that such loan be secured by a trust deed that will be prior to the trust <br />deed in favor of beneficiary. <br />d. Beneficiary is willing to subordinate the lien of the trust deed in their favor insofar as <br />it encumbers the above - described premises, to the trust deed made in favor of lender <br />in order that trustor may obtain such loan from lender. Said Deed of Trust securing <br />lender's lien was recorded on MAN S ;— .,, OCC3 at Document <br />I — <br />No. �3 p L 6 , in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds. <br />For the reasons set forth above, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and <br />promises of the parties hereto, trustor and beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />= <br />M <br />2 A <br />p w <br />r <br />v <br />7C <br />O -4 <br />N <br />iii <br />m <br />O <br />L1 <br />C) <br />O <br />D <br />C11 <br />iT <br />m <br />� <br />r � <br />r <br />can <br />N <br />tDn <br />x <br />M <br />C <br />v <br />° <br />CD <br />�. <br />AGREEMENT SUBORDINATING EXISTING <br />Cn <br />TRUST DEED TO NEW TRUST DEED <br />c� <br />Cn <br />u' <br />Z <br />O <br />Agreement made the 29 day of APRIL , 2003, between MICHAEL G. HARGENS <br />AND KATHERINE A. HARGENS, Husband and Wife, of 4360 Sherwood Rd, Grand Island, <br />Hall County, State of Nebraska, herein referred to as trustor, and The Equitable Building and <br />Loan Association of Grand Island, now known as Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand <br />Island, of 113 N. Locust, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, herein referred to as beneficiary. <br />The parties recite and declare that: <br />a. Trustor executed a trust deed on January 28, 2000, in favor of beneficiary, which was <br />recorded on February 3, 2000, in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Hall County, State of <br />Nebraska, as Document No. 200000974 covering the following described property (as defined in <br />Neb. Rev. State. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />LOT ONE (1), BISHOP HEIGHTS SUBDMSION, BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE <br />NORTHWEST QUARTER (SW % NW %) OF SECTION ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, <br />RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6T' P^ HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />b. The above mentioned trust deed was given as security for Loan, described in such <br />trust deed, in the original amount of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five and 501100 - -- <br />($11,565.50) Dollars, executed on January 28, 2000, by trustor in favor of beneficiary. <br />c. Trustor desires to obtain a loan in the amount of Sixty -Five Thousand and No /100 <br />($65,000.00) from EQUITABLE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, 113 -115 <br />N. Locust St., City of Grand Island, County of Hall, State of Nebraska, herein referred to as <br />lender, but lender requires that such loan be secured by a trust deed that will be prior to the trust <br />deed in favor of beneficiary. <br />d. Beneficiary is willing to subordinate the lien of the trust deed in their favor insofar as <br />it encumbers the above - described premises, to the trust deed made in favor of lender <br />in order that trustor may obtain such loan from lender. Said Deed of Trust securing <br />lender's lien was recorded on MAN S ;— .,, OCC3 at Document <br />I — <br />No. �3 p L 6 , in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds. <br />For the reasons set forth above, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and <br />promises of the parties hereto, trustor and beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />