<br />additional and percentage rents, occupancy charges, security deposits, parking,
<br />maintenance, common area, tax, insurance, utility and service charges and
<br />contributions (whether collected under the Leases or otherwise), proceeds of sale
<br />of electricity, gas, heating, air - conditioning and other utilities and services
<br />(whether collected under the Leases or otherwise), oil, gas and mineral royalties
<br />and deficiency rents and liquidated damages following default or cancellation
<br />(herein collectively called the "Rents "), all of which the Grantor hereby
<br />irrevocably directs be paid to the Beneficiary, subject to the license granted to the
<br />Grantor pursuant to Section 5.08, to be held, applied and disbursed as provided in
<br />this Deed of Trust.
<br />Permits. All estate, right, title and interest of the Grantor in, to, under or
<br />derived from all licenses, authorizations, certificates, variances, consents,
<br />approvals and other permits now or hereafter appertaining to the Property (herein
<br />collectively called the "Permits "), excluding from the grant under this Granting
<br />Clause (but not the definition of the term "Permits" for the other purposes hereof)
<br />any Permits which cannot be transferred or encumbered by the Grantor without
<br />causing a default thereunder or a termination thereof.
<br />Deposits. All estate, right, title and interest of the Grantor in, to, under or
<br />derived from all amounts deposited with the Beneficiary under the Pledge
<br />Agreement, including all Insurance Proceeds and Awards, and including all notes,
<br />certificates of deposit, securities and other investments relating thereto and all
<br />interest, dividends and other income thereon, proceeds thereof and rights relating
<br />thereto (the foregoing being collectively called the "Deposits ").
<br />Proceeds and Awards. All estate, right, title and interest of the Grantor in,
<br />to, under or derived from all proceeds of any sale, transfer, financing, refinancing
<br />or conversion into cash or liquidated claims, whether voluntary or involuntary, of
<br />any of the Trust Property, including all Insurance Proceeds, Awards and title
<br />insurance proceeds under any title insurance policy now or hereafter held by the
<br />Grantor, and all rights, dividends and other claims of any kind whatsoever
<br />(including damage, secured, unsecured, priority and bankruptcy claims) now or
<br />hereafter relating to any of the Trust Property, all of which the Grantor hereby
<br />irrevocably directs be paid to the Beneficiary to the extent provided hereunder, to
<br />be held, applied and disbursed as provided in this Deed of Trust.
<br />Contracts for Sale. All estate, right, title and interest of the Grantor as
<br />seller in, to or under any agreement, contract, understanding or arrangement
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