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PILE: 03 -1430 <br />20030541!4 <br />EXHIBIT 'A' <br />A tract M land in part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4SE1 /4) of %"an <br />7NeotyOut (21), Tamnatip Ehnen (11) North, Ra=ge Nino (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more purt"lariy described as: Beginning at a point an the swath Jim of Southeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (SKI /45E7/4) of Section Tuenty-One (21), Township Fleveb (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of Use 6th P.M„ wNch point Is SW fell East of the Sentiment cornier of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SEl /4) of Section TwentyOes (21). Township Eleven (11) <br />Nerdy Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M4 running theta North parallel m the West line of the <br />Soathraet Quarts of the Southeast Quarter (9E1 /4SE1 /4) of amid Section Tweedy -sm (21), 1113.0 fret; <br />running theme East parallel to the South Ile of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE114SE114) of said Section Taunlyoee (21). 40.0 feet; running them= South parallel to the Wert line <br />d the Snvtheeat Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ( SEI /4SEt /4) of said Section T entyaoe (21), 103.0 <br />het, to a point an the Neuth Hue of the Southeast Quarter M the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4.SEl/4) of <br />said Section T enty-ome (21): running th eme Went upon and along the south Line of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4SE1 /4) of mid Section 7Manty One (21), 40.0 feet to the point <br />ofbeglanmg AND <br />A Ma of land In part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /49E1 /4) of Sudan <br />7Meoq -()m (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hag Cowdy, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described ex tailmn: Commencing at the Smethmat Carver of said Section <br />21; thence in a Westerly direction along the Southerly Rae of said SRI /4 SEI /4 of Section 21 far 74220 <br />fat; thrice to a Northerly direction for 33.00 fast he the Northerly Right- Of-Way Ilse of Stoller Park <br />Road, said point being the true point d beginning; them =uthadmil m a Northerly direction foe 14390 <br />fast m the Small" Rlg6t-M -Wmy Ian M Gomm Suave; tbeers in a Waarly direction along the <br />Southerly Right -MWay of Camera Served for 40.110 h; theme In a Southerly direction for la.90 but <br />to a point on the Northerly Right- (X-Way rime of Sa0e7 Park Road; theme In a linearly dieWilon along <br />the Northerly itlght-0f Way line. of SmIlry park Road for 4am het to the point of begmnmy escape for <br />that tract of land, being legally described as a ventain part of the Southall Quarter of the Southwt <br />Quarter (SEI /4SEl /4) of Section Twmty4)m (21), Township BJmm (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described an mlkenc Beginning at a point <br />OR the South Ile of the Sentiment Quarter of eke Soutkurt Quarter (561/4561/4) of Secdom 21, <br />Tranship 11 North, Ileum 9 West of eke 6th PM., which pole u 542.0 tat East of the .o Urwesit center <br />of the 561/4 NEI /4 of Section 21, Tomnelltp 11 No* Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., ranatq thence <br />North parallel to the West line of the SEI /4 SEI /4 of said Sadm 21, IN" feel, r,mh'g then= Eme <br />parallel to the Srmth Jim of the SE3/4 SKI /4 of sold Section 21, 40.0 feet, ranging them= Sun& parallel <br />to the West Sue of the SEI /4 SEI /4 of said Sudan 21, 1030 fat, a a pant on the South limn of the <br />SE1/4 SRI /4 of said Section 21, raining thence West upon and aang the South line of the SEI 14 SEI /4 <br />of said Section 21, 400 fed to the point or beginning <br />