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m () n <br />T m N <br />q 3 I Z 'n` <br />N <br />� ,� � j, °• <br />10 <br />CO � <br />w' <br />200305397 o <br />(v Isp.a nm,,. nu .n. rm ne¢omms omel <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the Indebtedness secured by the Deed of Twat executed by <br />KEVIN T RMITH AND WINONA L SMITH RUSSAND 6 WIFE <br />to BANK OF DONIPEAN <br />benefit of BANK OF DONIPHAN BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 , Tmslee for the <br />Beneficlary named therein dated _ JOLY 17. 2002 the <br />_ end recordad JULY 26, 2002 In the office el the <br />Register of Deeds of HALL <br />0200207746 County, NEBRASAK <br />.Iuat.; <br />of the Trust Deed Record. al said County hes has,, paid, and sold Beneficiary has requested In waling that be <br />Deed Of Reconveyence be executed and delivered. <br />NOW THEREFORE, In conslderallon of such payment and In accordance with the request of the Beneficlery named thereto, ilia <br />undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remase, release and reconvey to the person or persona sullied thereto ell the <br />Interest and estate delved to sold Ludes by or through said Deed of Trust In the follnwlug described property: <br />LOT SIXTEEN (16), JEFFREY OAKS 5TH SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings. fixtures. Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises. <br />DATED APRIL 28, 2003 <br />LEE .iACOBSEN, EC VICE PRESIDENT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 2 <br />COUNTY OF HALL ( as' <br />On this _28TH tlay of APRIL 2003 `�e;om one, the underslgneq a Nolo, public In and Ior said <br />elate, personally appeared — LEE A ORSP*. EKFC VT(R PRESIDENT- RANK OE D NTP AA D q <br />IART2 <br />Trustee, to me known to be the Idenllcel person named In and who executed It's foregoing Inslrumenl, and acknowledged that he <br />executed the same as his voluntary act and deed. <br />N ry i Ilc I J o, ¢u <br />CE61ALXBTARV•$rib TBeMale <br />JON A HFATN <br />M7Wntnk ea. isn. g.2w <br />sura.lNa IL911 <br />