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200305298 <br />their consent in writing to the amount, terms and conditions of such loans to the Trustee. Consent <br />of a minor current beneficiary may be given by that beneficiary's parents or duly appointed <br />guardian. <br />3.2 Purchase of Assets from Estate: The Trustee is authorized to purchase securities <br />or other property, real or personal, from the personal representative of the estate of the Trustor, <br />and of any estate of any beneficiary, and may also make loans or advancements, either secured or <br />unsecured, to such personal representative, even the Trustee may serve as such personal <br />representative. <br />ARTICLE IV <br />Miscellaneous Provisions <br />4.1 Provisions Against Alienation: Without limiting any beneficiary's right to <br />withdraw, appoint or disclaim trust property, no present or future beneficiary of any trust created <br />hereunder may transfer or encumber his or her interest in the trust. No interest of a present or <br />future beneficiary of any trust shall be subject in any way to the claims of the beneficiary's <br />creditors. <br />4.2 Children: All references to "children" and "descendants" shall include adopted <br />persons. <br />4.3 Number and Gender: Unless some other meaning and intent is apparent from the <br />context, the plural shall include the singular, the singular shall include the plural and masculine, <br />feminine and neuter words shall be used interchangeably. <br />4.4 Successor Trustee: The Trustee shall name her own successor if the successor <br />trustee below named is unable or unwilling to so act, and, if the Trustee fails to name her <br />successor in her Will or by other written instrument, the eldest adult child of the Trustee shall <br />name the successor Trustee in the event of the resignation, death or inability of Trustee to serve. <br />Kestor Powell shall serve as successor trustee in the event of the initial trustee's incapacity to <br />serve. <br />4.5 Governing Law: Any questions of law regarding the execution of this instrument <br />or its effect shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. <br />4.6 Severability: If a court of competent jurisdiction rules that any of the provisions <br />hereto are invalid or unenforceable, such provisions shall be disregarded but the remainder of this <br />instrument shall nevertheless be given full force and effect. <br />[G: \LAWTYPE \EL \JWR \ESTATE PLAN NING\ CLIENTS \STOVER \RFALESTATETRUST.DOC] -4- <br />4 <br />