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AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INSURANCE 200305247 <br />DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Agreement to Provide Insurance (Agreement) is March 28, 2003. The parties and their addresses are: <br />OWNER: <br />TODD C ENCK <br />511 Fleetwood Circle <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />KELLY A ENCK <br />511 Fleetwood Circle <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />GREGORY G. ROBERTS <br />369 0. Road <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />DIXIE A. ROBERTS <br />3690 flood <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />SECURED PARTY: <br />PLATTE VALLEY STATE DANK &TRUST COMPANY <br />1451 North Webb Read <br />Grand Island. Nebraska 68803 <br />The pronouns "you and "your" refer to the Secured Party. The pronouns "I," "me' and 'my' refer to each person or entity signing this Agreement as Owner. <br />1. LOAN DESCRIPTION i t...I, <br />A. Oeta, Marsh 28, 2003 <br />B. Lean Number. <br />C. Loan Amount. 5145,000.00 <br />2. AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INSURANCE. As part of my Loan, I agree to do all of the following. <br />A. I will insure me Property as listed and with the coverages shown In the COVERAGES section, <br />B. I will have you named on the policy, with the status listed under the STATUS section. <br />C. I will strong, for the Insurance company to notify you that the policy is In effect and your status has been noted <br />D. I will pay for this insurance, including any fee for this endorsement. <br />E. I will keep the insurance in effect until the Property Is no longer subject to your security musical, (1 understand that the Property mays cure debts In addition <br />to any Ibted in fie LOAN DESCRIPTION section.) <br />3. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. The Property subject to this Agreement Is described as follows. <br />A residence located at, Grand Island, Nebaska. <br />I agree to a this Property according he the following described risks, amount of c r <br />rage, and maximum deductible allowed I will provide homeowners <br />coverage anndre Property. The insurable value of this Property is 50.00. The term of coverage will be . The maximum deductible allowed is 90.00. <br />4. STATUS. Your status shall be Toted on the insurance policy as Lierriami r. <br />SIGNATURES FOR OWNERS AND AUTHORIZATION TO INSURANCE AGENT AND COMPANY. By signing below, I agree to the terms contained In this Agreement <br />and acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Agreement. I request the listed insurance ournfrey and agency W provide the indicated c rage, and list you n the <br />ponce with the indicated .ta ws. I also request me Insurance =,mpany or Its authorized agent to Immediately confirm that the policy is in effect by signing this form <br />and forwarding a copy of the policy to you <br />OV <br />SIGNATURE OF SECURED PARTY AND REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION. Upon receipt of this Agreement, the Insurance company or agency named above Is <br />requested m confirm the policy......... shown above. <br />SECURED PARTY: <br />Platte VaV@ State Bank &Trust Cc pent' <br />Clain all A,. .Vice Proved.., <br />Nebraska Agreement to Fru itl t Ineuranw Initials <br />NE1 4X X144 6 9 5 00 6 2 3 9 00003 87201 9 03I2 70 3Y el 996 Bankers Systems, Inc., SC Clear, MN Earf rria Page 1 <br />