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200305238 <br />2. To insure and keep insured buildings and other improvements including fixtures and attachments now on or hereafter placetl on the Vropen to <br />the satisfaction of Beneficiary. Such insurance will be apProvetl by end tleposited wdh Beneficiary, antl endorsed with loss payable clause to <br />Beneficiary. Any sums so received by Beneficiary may be used to pay for reconstruction of the destroyed improvements or if not so applied may <br />be applied, at the option of 'embers", in payment of any Indebtedness mature or unmatured secured by this Trust Deed. Such insurance will be <br />In an amount at least equal to the lesser of the loan balance, the actual cash value of the collateral, or the replacement at of the property, and <br />will at a minimum, cover losses caused by fire, lightning, explosion, riot, alrerait, vehicles, vandalism, civil commotion, smoke, windstorm, and hail. <br />Trui IcrI will obtain antl keep flood Insurance in force to cover losses by flood as requiretl by Beneficiary and by the National Flood Insurance Act <br />Of 1968, as amended, and by regulations implementing the same. Trustorlsl further agree that Beneficiary is not antl will not be liable for any failure <br />by Trustorlsl or by any insurer, for whatever reason, to obtain and keep this insurance in force. <br />3. To keep all buildings, fixtures, attachments, and other improvements now on or hereafter placed on the property occupied and In gadd repair, <br />maintenance, and condition and to neither commit nor permit any acts of waste or any impairment of the value of the property. Beneficiary may <br />enter upon the property to inspect the same or to perform any acts authorized herein or In the loan agreements). <br />6. In the event Trustorlsl fails to pay any liens, judgments, assessments, taxes, rents, fee., or charges or maintain any insurance on the property, <br />buildings, fixtures, attachments, or improvements as provided herein or In the loan agreement(s), Beneficiary, at Its option, may make such payments <br />or provide insurance, maintenance, or repairs and any amounts paid therefor will become part of the principal indebtedness secured hereby, be r <br />edlately due and payable and bear interest at the default rate provided in the notels) from the date of payment until paid The advancement by <br />(Beneficiary of any such amounts will In no manner limit the right of Beneficiary to declare Trustorlsl in default or exercise any of Beneficiary's other <br />rights and remetli.a. - <br />S. In the event Beneficiary is a party to any litigation affecting the property or the lien of this Trust Deed, including any action by Beneficiary to <br />enforce this Trust Deed or any suit in which Beneficiary is named a defendant (including condemnation and bankruptcy proceedings) Beneficiary <br />may incur expenses and advance payments for abstract tees, attorneys tees Ito the extent allowed by law), costs, expenses, appraisal fees, and <br />other charges and any amounts so advanced will become part of the principal indebtedness secured hereby, be immediately due and payable and <br />bear interest at the default rate provided in the notelsl from the date of advance until paid. <br />6. Any awards made to Trustogs) or their successors by the exercise of eminent domain are hereby assigned to Beneficiary: and Beneficiary Is <br />hereby authorized to collect and apply the same in payment of any indebtedness, mature or unmanned, secured by this Trust Deed. <br />T. In the event of default in the payment when due of any sums secured hereby /principal, interest, advancements, or protective advances), or failure <br />to perform or observe any covenants and conditions contained herein, in the notelsj, loan agreementlsl, or any other instruments, or any proceedings <br />Is brought under any Bankruptcy laws, Beneficiary, at Its option, may declare the entire indebtedness secured hereby to be immediately due and <br />payable and the whale will bear Interest at the default rate as provided in the notelsl and Beneficiary may immediate)y authorize Trustee to exercise <br />the Power of Sale granted herein in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act, or, at the option of the ben flciary, may foreclose the <br />Trust Deed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property, including the appointment of a Receiver Open ex parte <br />application, notice being hereby expressly waived, without regard to the value ^/ the property or the sufficiently thereof to discharge the <br />indebtedness secured hereby or m the loan ager ament(s). Delay by Beneficiary In exercising its rights upon default will not be construed as a waiver <br />thereof and any act of Beneficiary waiving any specified default will not be construed as a waiver of any future default. If the proceeds under such <br />sale or foreclosure are insutticienito pay the total indebtedness secured hereby, Trustorlsl do hereby agree to be personally bound to pay the unpaid <br />balance, and Beneficiary will be entitled to a deficiency judgment. <br />8. Should Beneficiary elect to exercise the Power of Sale granted herein, Beneficiary will notify Trustee who will record, publish, and deliver to <br />Ta p such Notice of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and will in the manner provided by law, sell the property at the time <br />o <br />antl place of sale fixed in the Notice of Sale, either as a whole or in separate lots, parcels, or items and in such order as Trustee will tleem expellent. <br />Any pparson may bitl a[the sale including Trustorsl, Trustee, or Beneficiary. <br />9. Trusorlsl hereby requests a copy of any Notice of Default or Notice of Sale hereunder to be mailed by certified mail m Trustorlsl at the <br />ddress(esl sex forth herein. <br />10. Upon detaulq Beneficiary, either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceetling and with or wltheut regartl to the value <br />of Ne property or the suffency thereol to discharge the indebtetlness secured hereby, is authorized and entitletl to enter upon antl [eke possess'mn <br />of the property in its own name or in the name of the Trustee antl tlo any acts or expend any sums it tleems necessary or tlesirable to protect or <br />preserve the value of [he property or any interest tM1ere1 n, or increase the income [herehom; and with or without taking possession of the property <br />Is authorized to sue for or otherwise collect the rents, issues, crops, profits, antl income thereof, including [hose pas[ due and unpaitl, and apply <br />[he same upon any indebtetlness securetl hereby or In the loan ag9reementlsl <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Be nefmiary is imendatl to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided <br />or permitted, but each will be cumulative, will be in aadition to every other remedy give^ hereunder or now or hereafter existing et law or in equity <br />or by statute, and may by exercisetl concurrently, im ependendy or successively. <br />11. Trustorlsl acknowledges that the duties antl obligations ei Trustee will be determined solely by the express provisions of this Trust Deed or <br />the Nebraska Trust Deeds Ac[ and Trustee will not be liable except for the performance o1 such duties and obligations as are specifically set forth <br />therein, nd no im plietl covenants or obligations will be imposed upon Trustee; Trustee will not be liable for any action by i[ in goad faith and <br />easonablV believed by it to be authorizetl or within the dlscrelion or rights of powers conferred upon it by this Trust Deed or stale law. <br />12. The integrity and responsibility of Trust.r(s) constitutes a part of the consideration for the obligations securetl hereby. Should Trustorlsl selh <br />transfer, or convey the properly described herein, without prior written consent Of Beneficiary, Beneficiary, at its option, may declare the entire <br />Indebtetlness immetliately due and payable and may proceed in the enforcement of Its rights as on any other default. <br />13. Assignment of Rents including Proceeds of Mineral Leases. Trustorlsl hereby assigns, transfers, and conveys to Beneficiary all rents, royalties, <br />bonuses, and delay moneys or other proceetls Nat may from time to time become due and payable untler any reel estate lease or und er any ell, gas, <br />gravel, rock, or other mineral lease of any kind including geothermal resources now existing or that may hereafter come into existence, covering <br />the property or any part thereof. All such sums so received by Beneficiary will be applied to the indebtedness secure' hereby; or Beneficiary, at <br />its option, may turn over and tleliver to Truster lal or their.uccessois in interest, any or all of such sums without prejudice to any of Beneficiary 's <br />rights to take and retain luture sums, and withpm prejutllce to any of its other rights untler this Trust Deetl. This assignment will be construes to <br />be a provision forpthye payment or reduction of the tlebt, subject to the Beneficiary s option as herelnbefore provided, indepentlent of the lien on the <br />further fnrcepand affectt in full of the debt and the re conveyance o1 this Trust Deetl of record, this assignment will become inoperative and of no <br />16. This Trust Deed constitutes a Security Agreement with reect to all the property described herein. <br />15. The covenants contained In this Trust Deed will be deem ed sp to be severable; in the event that any portion of this Trust Deed is determined to <br />be void or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Trust Deed. <br />c— 7 <br />i <br />_. _. _ <br />TIMQ]LdWA SCHWdU I <br />INDIVIDUAL BORROWER ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF lB <br />On this �do, of ' April 2003 ,before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Lamar Schmidt <br />(a /k /a Lamar L. Schmid L) and Verneta Schmidt (a /k /a Vereeta M. Schmidt), husband and wife <br />to me known to be the persons) named is and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as <br />Their voluntary act and deed. <br />(SEAL) -s <br />Charles W. Johnson <br />IT,do ,area under s,aatarn; <br />My commission expires Notary Public In and for said County and State <br />INDIVIDUAL BORROWER ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATEOP NEBRASKA j <br />I <br />IS <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />On this -20 day of ApIl l 2003 , before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Timothy A. Schmidt. <br />(a /k /a Timothy Alan Schmidt), single <br />Ap R: 00302665; Primary Customer ID N: 00055266: CIF N: 89816 Legal Doc. Date: April 26, 2003 <br />FORM 5011, Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 2 <br />